20 January 2012

up all night

The truth is, I've been awake all night.

I think my mother will especially raise her eyebrows about it, but it isn't for lack of trying. I watched the end of Whip It that Ames was playing when I got home from West Valley, and then I wrote in my journal, and then I read scriptures, and then I read some of The Glass Castle, and then I tossed and turned and couldn't turn my brain off for a few more hours, and then I finished The Glass Castle, and then I tossed and turned some more as I struggled with how to seriously stop thinking, Brain!-- so I've resigned myself to internet trolling and last night's 30 Rock on demand. I also coughed and blew my nose a bunch of times due to the chest cold.

All of that took like seven hours. What can I do? There's nothing more I can do--except follow 30 Rock with Parks & Recreation and maybe (probably) Up All Night. It would be fitting. I mean, right?

The truth is, this seems to me to be a particularly well-written episode of 30 Rock. Is anyone else with me on this??

No but really, the truth is I think I must be rather "filled with ambition." At least for tonight I've joined the ranks of artists and inventors and writers who are struck with genius or something and stay up nights to work furiously on fulfilling their creative callings in life. Of course tonight I haven't exactly begun direct work on my masterpiece, but I'm excited by creativity and life goals in a way I've been distinctly lacking in recent months.

I can't say I've got a "plan," per se. But I have ambition, and I'm reeling. Clearly.

I'm hoping this doesn't become a habit, but luckily I have a tall stack of books to read my way through just in case.


Sarah Culp said...

Do you love Up All Night? I wasn't sure at first, but now it's really growing on me. I love it.

And yes! 30 Rock came back strong. I'm so glad. :) I've missed it so!!

Love ya

Unknown said...

warm greeting. nice blog btw :)
