21 July 2010

nearing a goal

Happy 11-Month Wedding Anniversary, Mr. Ames Husband! I'll save the syrupy anniversary post for next month on the real 1-Year Wedding Anniversary, but since we've made a point of at least mentioning every mothiversary all year, I figured I'd go public. Here's where we were about a year ago:And someday we'll visit Harry Potter Land dressed exactly the same way. (Note: Ames made that scarf I'm wearing in the picture. He's handy-- and holds a state sewing certification, so.) I'm really glad we're creeping up on two years together. Two years feels way more legit than one year. Love you the most!!!

In other news, it occurred to me the other day that I have now lost 17 lbs, which is only 3 lbs away from my goal to lose 20 lbs by the end of summer-- and it's only July 21! I feel I need to mention this because you guys, I have never actually accomplished anything like this before in my life. I mean, beyond the billion commitments to myself to finally get into that size 6, I haven't ever set out to do something difficult and then done it. Of course, I still have 21.6 lbs to go after I hit -20 to reach my goal weight, and I understand the likelihood that this may take longer than the first half, but because I'm all about applauding myself publicly, I just needed to right now.

Cue self-applause.

The question now becomes: how will I reward myself? It seems to me reaching half my goal weight-- potentially a month ahead of schedule!-- is worth rewarding. And since I love self-rewarding almost as much as I love self-applause...

I'm still thinking about this hair, which I understand is a major commitment (I'd probably have to re-color it no less than every four weeks or so, at the rate my hair grows/fades) and a somewhat stark change. And I do like my dark hair right now. But it's still a possibility.
I'm also considering one of these dresses, which are more expensive than I'd like them to be, but honestly I'll just take one in every style.

They all run about $75 though, which makes me think one/several/all may be better purchased after I've lost all 41.6 lbs. It/They will act as added motivation to keep it off.

I don't need headbands, I don't need cardigans, I'm putting off more jeans for the same reason I don't want to buy the dresses yet, for the first time in my recent life (read: ever) I don't really crave clothes shopping of any kind (also a break-through, but that's a post for another day).

Once upon a time I may have been sorely tempted to get myself a teensy, uber discreet tattoo somewhere, but that won't happen (you're welcome, Dad/Mom/Ames). I could possibly just get some nice henna with a nice little henna applicator and reapply the same henna design so it's like a tattoo but then will wash off. That doesn't seem very permanently celebratory though. I won't go through with the secret jonesing for a teensy, uber discreet nose stud either (you're welcome, Dad/Mom/Ames).

Maybe a nice jewelry item? To remind me how I can do hard things?

Help me out, guys. What should I do to celebrate being awesome?


lizzy said...

1. the way you feel after losing weight should be enough of a reward.

2. you could like - go on a trip or something. Vegas can be pretty inexpensive if you do it right. And memories are far better than clothes that will wear out and/or go out of style in a couple years. (unless, of course you WANT to be THAT MOM who, in 20 years, insists on wearing her cliche "2010"-wear because "THIS WAS MY REWARD FOR LOSING WEIGHT, DANGIT!!!!")

Sarah said...
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Sarah said...

Hair. Go with the hair. Then when people compliment you on your new look you can say "this was my reward to myself for losing 20 pounds!" Then MORE compliments come rolling in.

When I was (yeah...still am) trying to lose my pregnancy weight, I went with the hair reward method. I like it.

HeidiLynn said...

This is amazing. You're amazing! I would go witht he tiny sparkly nose stud, myself. I, too, have a not-so-secret jonesing for one of them. It would look like a sparkly freckle!

Linze Kate said...

I am in LOVE with the dress on the end - black and white with the black buttons. SO classy and sheik - LOVE.

Congrats, Em! I know how hard it is to lose... You're amazing!

Anonymous said...

reward yourself by lovin' that new, sexy body ;)

Robbie said...

A) All those dresses are to die for and I say go for one of them - then you can wear it somewhere super fun and sit at some cute outdoor-patio bistro and drink a diet coke while other people are jealous of you . . .

B) Look, not to contradict Mom/Dad/Ames but I agree with Heidi - a tiny nose study is cute . . . and totally removable for when you are called as the general primary president or something . . .

C) Or have a spa day

D) or get that nose stud!! :)

You're so stinkin' awesome - it reminds me of why I fell in love with you all over again

Amy said...

I need a new pedicure... I know that wasn't mentioned at all as an option but we could get pedicures to go with new hair. I'm chopping mine all off at the end of summer. I'm hoping that by losing some of this massive mop I can count that as part of my weight loss.

Allison Easley said...

Where. Are. These. Dresses. From?