14 July 2010

a new picture of my face

My sister is a budding photographer/designer. She has a really cool website which you should visit. I want her to take my headshots forever and ever more because she's good (and I get a nice family discount, you might say). I was putting off getting a new one till I got a little skinnier in my face but right now she's all over Norway and Denmark and Sweden with the BYU jazz band, Synthesis. FAIL on my part.
However, she's got a pretty crafty husband who can wield a camera pretty well. He too is a genius with the photoshop, and he is not all over Norway and Denmark and Sweden at the moment, so he took my picture for me.What do you think? I'm actually pretty obsessed with it. I'm really into headshots that aren't super glam-- that are quirky and really show personality. Also this makes me look skinny which I am not yet, exactly, but quickly nearing. The question is, should it be cropped printed horizontally or vertically?
Each are legit by "industry standard." What do you think?

Also, I've given myself a new summer hobby and I'm relearning to crochet. It's come back pretty quickly, though I do have many talented friends who put me to shame... I'm working on this little number:Yes, it was a free pattern at JoAnn's and yes I was completely suckered into it and yes I definitely got all those same colors. It's fine. Of the 56 squares I need to make I've completed... almost one. We'll see how it turns out...


Sarah said...

I think you are soooo pretty, Emily. That is a really good picture of you. I think the horizontal one looks more artistic, and the vertical one is more focused on you. So which ever look you're going for... those are how the two pictures strike me as a viewer. But hey, I definitely don't have a headshot so y'know, my opinion might not be worth much.

Also, an update: still working on the Perler Bead Audra.

Linze Kate said...

Um - Love it. Seriously - it's looks natural and really fresh... You look fantastic.

Nicole Vernon said...

gorgeous :) i like the vertical, cropped in one the best!

kitty emma. said...

I think your hair looks rather fantastic :).
You're gorgeous, dear.

Julie Wilding said...

I LOVE THIS. Your sparkly eyes!

Kristin W said...

Gorgeous pictures! You really look so pretty! I am leaning towards vertical as well. Good luck on the crocheting :)

Cristina said...

I also vote for the vertical. It makes your eyes "pop". :)