28 July 2010

i love craigslist

Okay, so we're in the process of trying to move, right? I've been in this great little place for a year now, and it's in a PERFECT location, and it's been real good, but it's just becoming time to move on a little bit. I've been stalking KSL and Craigslist for weeks to see what places are available for us to move into, and decided I might as well post our place to see what kind of response I'd get.

Oh don't worry. It's been 48 minutes and I've had nine email and three voicemail inquiries.

Looks like we might get our place rented faster than we thought?

Crossing our fingers?

And let's hope we can find a place for ourselves PDQ.

1 comment:

Daniel Joseph Anderson said...

I submitted it for a Best of Craigslist thing too so more people will see it. Good luck with the house hunting!