17 November 2011

simple happy

I think the greatest thing to happen to my unemployment is Nick Toons on Netflix.

No, I'm serious.

I had kind of a frazzled morning so I came home to work on my handmade Christmas (only 37 days until then OMG HOW WILL I FINISH EVERYTHING??) and turned on Hey Arnold!, which has made the day infinitely better. Like, inexpressibly better. Like, this is one of the greatest shows ever drawn.

FUN FACT: a ton of the kid voices of Hey Arnold! were also kid voices on Recess, including the original voice of Arnold himself who went on to play King Bob. The more you know!

Few people know/understand how important Nick Toons are to my very core as a human being. Probably only my parents and little sister Lizzy. Sometimes, on long car rides, we'd ask Mom how much longer we'd be in the car and she'd tell us, "Four more Dougs." And then we'd ask, "Like four more individual Dougs, like the 15-minute episodes, or four more Dougs, like the whole 30 minutes?"

I bought the first season of Doug on DVD a while ago. Ames doesn't really get it. It's too bad. I need my someday children to love Doug and Hey Arnold! and Rugrats and all the classics!

Because Nick Toons heal all wounds.

And so do Christmas trees, and we are getting ours the very minute they go on sale at the lot across from Target.

1 comment:

Emily Maria said...

Stick Stickly was the greatest thing to ever happen to Nickelodeon. I love all the classics and own some on DVD as well. Long live Nick Toons!!