29 October 2010

pants contention

Today is one of those days where I woke up and just didn't want to wear pants.

I don't mean I didn't want to wear anything at all. I just didn't (don't) feel like shimmying into and wearing pants.


Don't you ever have those days where you don't want to wear pants? Or normal clothes of any kind? And it might be because you FAILed at weight watchers this week, or at least you just feel like you did?

Don't pretend like you don't know what I mean.

And I've been thinking about this idea where I'm going to turn the back room of our house into an office library and the best part of it will be: PANTS OPTIONAL. And we can have big piles of blankets to snuggle under and use to march around the house instead of actually wearing pants.

I know I could be wearing a skirt, but I wore a skirt three times this week and I don't want to wear a skirt because it's cold, which means I'd have to wear tights, which are tighter than pants, and my whole point is: I don't want to wear pants today.

There are things things called Baby Legs that I wish they'd make for people my size. Overgrown legwarmers that go all the way up your thigh? Don't mind if I do!
Seriously though. Don't mind if I do.

1 comment:

Angela said...

You weren't kidding. Baby Legs look so cool! I want some, too! Let's do something about it!