13 September 2010

hateful wardrobe

Do you ever have those days where you're just fitful about things and you feel kind of in a creative slump? My creatively slumpy feelings tend to manifest themselves by being overcome with a sort of fitful rage against my wardrobe and appearance. It may have something to do with the fact that I'm starting to feel like I can wear clothes I felt like I couldn't wear before (remember that thing about wearing size 6 jeans what whaaaaaat!), so I want to embrace every single one of the slimly-cut blouses and dresses at Urban Outfitters and start wearing Oxford shoes. I also want to start wearing lipstick.

Mostly, fitfulness tends to translate into extreme malcontentedness with my hair, which remains unresolved in spite of my recent public resolution to just cut it off again. I tend to go short then long then real short then real long then medium then short, etc. etc. Maybe it's lucky I have a thyroid disease which makes my hair grow really fast so I can continue to change my mind so frequently. I also remain unresolved about the color issue, though let's be real-- I'm never going to get the gumption to stray too far from dark brown/brown/dark auburn.

The problem is that I don't feel like I have very much in my current-- and, admittedly, extensive-- wardrobe that would coordinate with things like Oxford shoes and certainly not lipstick. I also have this problem where I, at 10:30 each night, pump myself up to wake up the next morning in ample time to actually get ready and do my hair and wear enough makeup that I could half-convincingly wear lipstick and clothes that are more exciting than they are conservative, but then I'm just so sleepy that I roll out of bed 45 minutes late and I wind up in a boyfriend t-shirt and cardigan with my hair in a boring messy-bun on the back of my neck and a swipe of mascara that seems to ask "Why did I bother?"

Like right now.

Except the hair keeps switching between messy-down and messy-bun because I am, as ever, malcontented and fitful with it and desperately need a haircut of some kind.

I have a process by which I'm going to try to improve and become more happy with what I wear. For example, I've identified the fact that I'm obsessed with classsic, vintage-inspired, pretty things. Perhaps I can (read: should have) improve(d) this boring boyfriend t-shirt with an interesting necklace and/or pair of earrings.

Also, sacrificing that 45 minutes in the morning to do my hair would pull my head together enough to necessitate putting on makeup, which would encourage applying lipstick, which would give the illusion of being pulled together generally speaking, regardless of what I'm wearing.

Have the courage to wear those boots that I own.

And pull out the scarves again.

And it's almost legitimately fall, which means I'll start layering again, which always makes me feel a billion times better.

See, self? No need to go crazy with the wardrobe overhaul! The basic idea is that I just need to learn to do my hair and accessorize better!

So in other words, I can just go crazy with a jewelry overhaul. Perfect.

In other news, in spite of the fact that I ate A LOT of food this weekend (like, I mean a LOT), I've managed to lose 0.8oz since Friday. Perhaps this is positive as we head into my birthday/cousin's wedding weekend, which I will be celebrating by spending the next five days here:

See you on the East Coast, suckers!


Xandra said...

oh boy. can't even explain to you how much that feels like my problem at this exact same moment. thank you thank you!

Emily Maria said...

Em, lipstick looks so good with messy hair. I'm telling you. Just add a bit of lipstick. It's all you need. I understand the creative slump completely. When I went through one not too long ago, I rearranged my closet. Instead of grouping them by tees, blouses, long sleeve...etc. I rainbow-tized everything. That helped me get out of it.

Amy said...

My hair is coming off on Friday. My waistline just keeps getting bigger and I never wear any makeup other than eyeliner. I need to learn to dress better so I stop looking like I belong in a desk at school as opposed to standing in front of the class.

Also, Bug Juice doesn't come in a jar, Bug Juice comes from who you are.

Kristin W said...

I can relate...I'm always fussy with my wardrobe. It's always hard for me to figure out how to dress things differently. I like the idea of dressing things up with jewelry! BUT...I'm also completely obsessed with getting a pair of Oxfords!

Congrats on the weight loss too :)