02 July 2010

it is ended

My first life-consuming work project ended today. I ran my last errand to fulfill immediately pressing needs at 6:07PM and now, it is finished. I can have my life back. And I feel like this about it:

It was very interesting, all of that work and learning how to be a boss of some kind and coordinating all those people and children and dealing with their parents and recognizing for the first time the value of having separate work and personal cell phones. Interesting, but I'm not very sad this first year is over. We made it out alive-- though perhaps barely.
From now on I'll try to find interesting things to discuss, but in the meantime, some bullet points:
  • I wrote another review about a show. You can read it here if you missed the tweet. I really like being able to write lately. I think I'm pretty okay at being critical and constructive (though I've heard some establishments may not feel that's true. HATERZ BACK OFF).

  • I didn't lose very much weight this month. On the bright side, I also haven't gained any. I've been the queen of fluctuation for the month of June but have always managed to pull it together for weigh-in. Now that I've got nothing else to think about again, I'm going to kick it back up. GOAL: 5 lbs by July 17.

  • I'm auditioning for a show on July 17. Not getting hopes up, though I'm confident.

  • Confession: I saw Eclipse at midnight, making this my third out of three Twilight midnight premieres. I've come a long way, considering I attended the first premiere as Anastasia Beaverhousen (as in Russian royalty and where the beaver live) with full-on sunglasses and a trench coat, but this year I wore my CAPTAIN OF TEAM JACOB t-shirt that my old roommate gave me since that shirt makes Ames so mad. The movie was SO SUPER BORING to me, but I had fun with my girls and with my Ames and with all the Twilight superfans who didn't mind the comments I made throughout with my outside voice.

  • I'm actually going on vacation this weekend. Till Wednesday. Nothing but sleeping in and laying out and shopping and eating food (mostly salads-- but delicious ones) for five whole days. We were going to go to Vegas except then Ames has rehearsal for Big River, because he's a star.

  • Second Confession: It may be too early to discuss this at all, and I'm probably jinxing it, but early 2011 there's a show being produced around here and I really secretly (publicly) want to be:I will be thin by then, and I'm not necessarily opposed to dying my hair lighter for auditions so they may consider me for a role they might not otherwise expect to cast me. There it is, Universe. Take it or leave it (please take it).
Okay. That's all I have to say. Summer camp has sucked away my ability to say interesting things/be creative/funny.

/most boring post evar

1 comment:

Amy said...

She's got cooties! Circle, Circle, Dot, Dot, Dot, Now you've got your cootie shot!