07 March 2010

words that are neat

complacent . fancy . commonplace . tranquillité . banal . vapid . sip . shiny . minutia . snark . endearing . zipper . academia . festive . esprit . coinage . enormous tax return . veneer . funfetti . spooky . irony . quotation . erasure . sconce . muppet . sucker . shadowbox . tulip . bobblehead . cruller . crest . attempt . towel . toil . taupe . scenario . scenic . ambient . adoration . nap . frigid . squishy . nighttime . hilarity . spousal . weighty . naivety . disneyland . manuscript . carnation . maniacal . legitimacy . credible . sinking . cuddlebum . loop. locket . insatiable . unlikely . apprehension . eternal


Julie Wilding said...

I am so happy about all of these words. You are my friend.

Word verification: relying. Probably because I rely on you.

Waif13 said...

I like how you told your whole day without using a sentence or paragraph.

Creative writing like this makes me smile.

So thanks