27 March 2010

hodge podge

Have you ever watched a movie and then, finding yourself suddenly helpless (maybe a bit hapless) and without a drop of creativity, you just let the DVD menu play for a few minutes-- that cut of the soundtrack becoming more and more obnoxious-- and then just hit Play and watch that same movie twice in a row?

I did that the other night with Northanger Abbey while Ames was at rehearsal. To my credit (if any credit is to be had), I fell asleep the second time through, so it wasn't quite so pathétique (still pathétique, let's be real).

My hair is getting too long in the back and it's making me lethargic. You wouldn't think shaggy hair would induce laziness, would you? It's like how Samson had long hair and was very strong, only I have long hair and would rather sit around in this snuggie, watching the same movie four times, maybe drooling a little bit, and my bangs in my eyes.

What should I be doing?

Memorizing, for one thing. I'm in a play that opens in two weeks. It is called A Flickering, it was written by my friend Mel, and there is a blog about it. Rehearsals have been going well, in the sense that we're working through a lot of really good things and starting to get to some strong places in character. That said, I'm no where near where I should be in memorizing, and I'm starting to stay up nights, fretting about it. When I'm not fretting, I dream about being backstage, about to go on, and realizing I haven't even looked at the script in days.

This won't happen in real life, but it's nerve wracking enough, that's for true.

I could also be cleaning the house, organizing the closet, figuring out what the devil I should do with the back room so it's not just a dumping ground anymore, reading a book, working on that essay I want to write... so many things.

But now there's Chocolat, and this snuggie, and Veggie Chips, and a heating pad on my back. Hey. I could be eating real potato chips, but I'm not, so thumbs up to me for that, right?

It may be preemptive to discuss, but Ames and I were called back for 110 in the Shade this morning at the Hale Center Theater Orem. To be called back was kind of a big deal in itself, so I guess it's okay to talk about. Audra McDonald-- four-time Tony winner, two-time Grammy winner, and star of Private Practice-- and Will Swenson-- recent star of Hair on Broadway and LDS film star-- are guest starring this summer in little Orem, Utah, and we were a few of only about thirty people who may have the chance to work with them. It was an interesting experience, and who knows what will come of it. I don't pretend to make any assumptions or feel secure one way or the other, but it got me thinking about my ambition and career and future and I've been humming "Don't Rain on My Parade" the whole rest of the day.

That's what I'm doing-- I'm contemplating my future. Yes. And part of my future, at this point, will involve looking like Juilette Binoche.

Meanwhile, the snuggie. And spider solitaire, which is highly addicting even though I only play on Easy.

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