01 March 2010

day 26: i quit (30) days of blogging

Are you wondering what I had for breakfast this morning?

I'm a model of health, you guys. Bow to me.

Anyway, the last few subjects of this blog-a-day are really boring, I think. I can't really think of a way to make them interesting. I feel strongly that people might read the subject "day 28: your year, in great detail" and be scared off by the "in great detail." I would be. It sounds boring, even to me, even though I've had a great year. So I'm quitting. Just up and quitting. Do you know what this means? It means I'm a QUITTER, which makes me a model of determination, in addition to my being a model of health.

You're becoming more fond of me by the minute, aren't you?

So I did a really cool thing this weekend. My friend Mel-- playwright, educator, drinker of un-diet Coke-- won the 2009 Association for Mormon Letters award for Drama. She wrote this play called Little Happy Secrets that's really quite good (obvi), so I'm not surprised it won an award. There was a little relaxed party on Saturday night for all the winners to do short reads from their award-winning work, and because Mel is a playwright not an actor, she asked me and Ames to tag along and read a few scenes from the play. We met up with a girl who was in the original cast, and read two scenes that were very, very well received by those in attendance.

It was really cool to be a part of the evening, but also to hang out with writerly types. Some very interesting and impressive work was honored. But it also got me thinking about how I could do that. So I'm going to. There's a personal essay contest coming up, as well as a submission deadline for the associated literary magazine Irreantum. In fact, I'm pretty sure there are a lot of submission deadlines for various literary journals and websites in the next few weeks/months. So there's ambition.

But my real point is, I'm so excited and blessed to have such talented, interesting people around me, and so many recent opportunities to stretch my creative self. It's scary, and I like it. Also, I'm going to be in the cast of Mel's latest endeavor, A Flickering, which will hopefully attract deserved attention.

In other news, I'm desperate to afford the last three seasons of Will & Grace on DVD because, even though my inclination to buy DVDs has waned lately because of the convenience of Netflix, my copies of seasons 1-5 are getting old. That is to say, it'll never get old, but I'd really like to round out the collection. That is to say, I really need that episode with the dinner party at Grace and Leo's apartment with the itty-bitty puppy named Chompers.

1 comment:

Julie Wilding said...

don't quiiiiiiiit. Whiniinng noooiseessss.