18 December 2009

hair tales

In theory, I like to have long hair. I like being able to do things with it, and have cool layers, and have it go swish swish swish behind me as I walk down the hall a la Marsha Brady. Okay, not really the swishing part, but I do like long hair. Once upon a time when I was 19-years old, my hair was very long:
Guest starring Ashley Oblad, everybody. That's me on the left.

The thing about having long hair is that, I really like it best in theory. I go for long times having long hair, but on any given day it looks like this:
This is me about ten days ago, in fact, hanging the first ornament that we ever bought together (Mickey ears from Disneyland) for the first time on our very first Christmas tree. Note Ames's facial hair. But my point is that my long hair typically gets pulled off my face, piled on the top of my head, and managed by some kind of headband. Ta and da, not a big deal, what's the point of having long hair, even if the color is cool (which, I must say, it is)? But I digress.

One day, Ames showed me this video with Cortney Wolfson in it, who is a U of M grad (go Wolverines) and has recently arrived On Broadway. If you start around 3:50, you'll see why I was inspired.

And really, as much as I like long hair (in theory), I also LOVELOVELOVE short hair. I've donated my hair twice in the last five years (one of those times, I cut off 14" rather than the minimal 10" cigarette tap). I like short hair, but usually like chin length. Pour example:
So emo, right?

So yesterday I ventured to my friend Julie's house (not the one with the cool clothes blog, but a different, equally cool Julie with the cutest baby who ever existed don't you even try to argue about it with me) and she snip snip snipped off my hair without even a picture or that youtube video as a guide.

I think the only thing that will make it better is to dye it again! Thoughts? Ideas?


Robbie said...

A) You look gorgeous with BOTH- I love the short hair!

B) Color is always fun . . . I have confidence in any choice you make

C) I know these comments may not be very helpful, but they should at least be ego-boosting because I love you, your hair and your stinking beautiful face! Ah!

A Few Tacos Shy... said...

I heart my short hair! I had the same problem with long hair. What's the point of having it all when it's always in a ponytail? I heart your short hair too! :-)

Ashley O said...

I love that picture of us. So, can we go back to that one night???!!! that was fun. also i love the hair. you know this. alsoooo i miss you and you also knew this fact.

what would you dye your hair to be? i love your auburny hair color. but i also like darky browns. no i'm not biased.

I AM KITTY said...

I like the color it is!