26 January 2009

so much feeling

Happiness is wearing adorable boots every single day of the week, even when they don't "match" the rest of your outfit, even when the slush soaks right through the bottom of them and your feet are soggy for the rest of the night. Happiness is people telling you you look "lovely" and have great hair, and happiness is knowing they're right. Happiness is a green plastic headband and a wallet that looks like a cigarette case.

Happiness is a warm puppy and Bridget Jones' Diary and falling asleep on your parents' bed for a few hours. Happiness is knowing you're going to cry very hard at the end of Big Fish, right in the place where you always start crying, and then you do. Happier-ness is when some of your best friends are crying too.

Happiness is going to church, and participating, and playing the piano, and being obedient, and starting to attend the new Temple Preparation class.

Happiness is prioritizing your life in a way that has nothing to do with deadlines. Happiness is knowing life will go on if you turn in something late. Happiness is knowing you could have gotten 100% on that paper, but being content with an 89% because it was too comfortable to stay out too late the night before you wrote it.

Happiness is forty students furiously typing assignments in the computer lab while you write a blog or personal essay instead.

Happiness is having a hundred-thousand things to write about in your journal. Happiness is writing down texts and conversations so you'll remember them forever. Happiness is sharing everything with a good friend while you eat a bagel and strawberry cream cheese, and have conversations in public and scream every once in a while because you're happy, and maybe throw your phone around and it breaks, mostly because the word sauté makes her a little crazy.

Happiness is winning Disney Scene It? because you stole all of Janessa points from under her (which really just means that you're really good at buzzing in really fast when the pressure is on).

Happiness is having someone get in your head all day.

Happiness is your soul singing.


Kirsten Krason said...

Happiness is reading your blog.

Heidi said...

Happiness is being your friend and letting enthusiasm for life come back because of it.

Julie Wilding said...

I. Love you. *Throws phone

Amy said...

Happiness is having much needed catch-up conversations. Happiness is also eating food with you...... so lets be happy.

A Few Tacos Shy... said...

Happiness is seeing you in public and remembering the moments we shared that no one else will ever share and being so glad you are my friend!

And sugar is my word verification so apparently happiness is sugar too...

Alli Easley said...

Happiness is rocketships.

Heather Davis said...

actually Em, happiness is finding a pencil.

I miss you and that time in our life.

Jesse_Jay87 said...

ah thats makes me happy reading that.