This post is making me sound so sentimental I want to sock myself. American Me also apparently struggles to write meaningful blogs in a non-irritating way, especially because this reflection is not intended to encourage an outpouring of flattering responses. It's not a matter of being told I'm pretty or talented (though I'd be hard pressed to find a girl who doesn't like to hear those things anyway)-- it's a matter of feeling pretty and engaging and funny.
My sweet friend Anna told me I need to find something that can be a constant reminder of English Me. My boyfriend Big Ben as my screensaver on my phone isn't enough. In fact, I think it's making me nostalgic more than anything, and nostalgia is making me American Debbie Downer instead of English Me, who is charming and likes herself a lot and doesn't mind her faults quite so much.
I'll figure out something. But in the meantime, to answer the question, the thing I miss most about Europe is me.
Caught up again with the Stringhams to visit Cemitere du Pere-Lachaise, where some Important People are buried in very interesting tombs that sort of remind me of townhouses, only for corpses. We said hello to Jim Morrison and Chopin and Oscar Wilde, and I hopped over to spend a few minutes with Georges
Seurat. As I felt at the catacombs, I was so disappointed with mankind when we saw Oscar Wilde. You can't even read the name on his memorial, and it's apparently already been restored once before. Honestly, it just fit right in with the rest of the city in my mind, though, since it's COVERED in graffiti to begin with.
After miraculously finding Kelsey, whom we had misplaced earlier in the day (like one might misplace a handbag), we went up to Montmatre and I was pleased do discover that my romanticized, idealized vision of Paris does exist, just not where I expected to be (namely, downtown near all the big sites). I much prefered my Sacre Coeur experience (it being much more reverent since photos weren't allowed to be taken inside), and it started drizzling very prettily. Too bad my peace and tranquility were DASHED when we looked in the guidebook to discovering this startling, and depressing, bit of news:
Versailles (aka The Reason I came to Paris instead of staying in London four more days) is closed on Mondays for restoration.
Obviously, I was heartbroken, and nearly burst into tears on the spot except that I was too tired. This did not prevent me from a very dramatic, but warranted, reaction to the name Versailles written prettily in a metro station a few minutes later.But I guess it's nothing that an evening nap, some facebook time, and a nice girly chat with some friends can't cheer up because I was feeling much better within a few hours. I just decided to sleep in, have a leisurely breakfast, and we'd all go up the Eiffel Tower to celebrate the end of
our weekend in Paris-- which is exactly what we did this morning.
After a nice grey weekend, we were glad to see the sunshine and a blue sky. The Tower was PACKED with tourists, pigeons, men who cut in line, Bosnian beggers, illicit Eiffel Tower keychain sellers (only 1 Euro, you guys), and people dressed in cool and interesting clothes that we're SURE must have stolen from people in our group. Pour example: tangerine-colored pants conveniently designed for women OR men! It was a GORGEOUS day, and sure it took a few hours, but it was totally worth it so that we could stand in the presence of where Tom proposed to Katie a few years ago!!!! I couldn't help but think of my dad as we crawled up to the top and how overcome with vertigo he would have been. I was a little surprised to find myself affected by it as well, so I guess it runs in the family. But the views were beautiful and I learned that Mr. Eiffel had a little apartment built for himself up there, which taught me how I wouldn't want to live on the top of the Eiffel Tower.
After a run across town to an... interesting... store called Tintin in the St. Michel area, we grabbed our stuff from the hotel and then headed off to the train that would take us back to beloved London. I have four stamps in my passport now, you guys! Overall, I'm really glad I went to Paris, and looking back, I really liked thinking about all the things I did and saw. What's interesting is that I did not love Paris while I was actually in Paris. Perhaps this is the reason why Paris has become so romanticized? If nothing else, being in France made me realize exactly how much I've fallen in love with London, so apparently, Paris does make you fall in love, even if you're not there with a lover (which I most certainly was not).
Interesting facts about Paris:
1. They really do drink jus d'orange, and you can get it most anywhere.
2. The fold-down chairs on the metro are pretty neat.
3. Apparently the French are REALLY excited about The Dark Knight and The Mummy 3 because you can't go six feet in the metro station without seeing an ad for one or both of them.
4. If you ask a cashier if they take Visa, mostly they look at you like you have lobsters crawling out your ears.
5. Even though there are glorified portipotties on most street corners, it doesn't stop people from taking care of business right beside them-- ON THE SIDEWALK.
6. People in France sometimes choose not to speak English, even when you suspect they might be able to.
7. The Seine wins over the Thames in cleanliness. This is basically the only part of the city I would actually call somewhat "clean," however.
8. Aside from some chocolate and little bit of French food (that wasn't even that exciting), I had no desire to spend any money on anything there.
Things I'll do the next time I happen to be in Paris:
1. Actually see Mona Lisa.
2. Eat crepes with Nutella.
3. Spend more time in Montmatre.