19 October 2007

Ode to Quiet

I wrote this last night when I was lounging on Ashley's couch. It's true.


Amidst chaos, surrounded by the loud,

Abrasive, contentious, sharply trenchant

Self-int'rest of an egocentric crowd—

Marked by a crushing lack of sentient

Awareness regarding time, place, peopleaq

Who are subject to impending deadlines

Would rather ignore priv'leged tête-à-têtes,

Or suffer from short patience—I resign

To blood-boiling madness, long for simple

Peacefulness enjoyed in blessed Quiet.

Oh Quiet, where serenity abides!

Where composure thrives and efficiency

May reign! Capacity to think resides!

She inhabits a certain courtesy,

Absent in the oblivious nature

Of shrill laughter and screaming conversation

In confined spaces. Smiling countenance

Prevails, adhering to mindful conscience.

Sweet, dear Quiet—how I long to capture

Your stillness, your calm, your anti-tension…


Madison said...

You're cute, I love it.

Ashley O said...


most excellent. when i think of places that aren't quiet the first thing that comes to my mind is the McKay Education Bldg. where you work.... why is that so?

Alli Easley said...

sing this and we got a deal.