12 January 2010

day 2: favorite book

It's quite possible this is the most boring answer to any "what's your favorite book" question ever asked because the answer is so completely predictable if you have spent any length of time with me at all.

My favorite book is:
Yep. Kind of a stock answer. I get it. It is true, nevertheless. My mom got me a copy of all three books (did you know the March family has three stories? I bet you didn't. Well then.) when I was eight, right after the movie came out (which is a post for another day) and I read them all. Frankly I never stopped reading them. Which is why Little Women is my favorite. Duh.

Of any character written in literature, I always thought I related to Jo most of all. In a lot of ways I think I still do, but being in the musical version in 2008 changed it so I just love each character differently. They're all my favorite. Even sad little Beth who wasn't my favorite at all (sad confession, I know).

A close second on the Favorite Book list is:

A family friend got my parents a stack of "Emily things" when I was born, including this book, which is also a set of three. It's by the same author as Anne of Green Gables, but more interesting, shorter, and starring a heroine who is far more interesting/less dramatic. It became a Canadian tv show (just found season 1 at Walmart recently what the what!) which isn't really very good and doesn't stick to the story very well, but the books are great, and Teddy Kent was my first literary boyfriend.

I'm a boring blogger.


HeidiLynn said...

totally not boring. And here are just a few more things that we have in common. I've read Little Women so many times I couldn't even begin to count. Also the movie. THE MOVIE. Also, L.M. Montgomery. Did you ever read The Blue Castle? It's wonderfully romantic and cheesy, without actually being cheesy.

Aubry Wilkes said...

OH my dear Heidi... I don't even know you. I adore The Blue Castle, too. Even went so far as to purchase an old edition off ebay years ago... it smells really good. :)
And Emily... I think I love you more with each post I read. You are the total opposite of boring. I can't believe they made a series of the Emily books. As much as I love Anne Shirley with all her drama, I love Emily Starr on a whole different level.. I mean, the name alone is fabulous. My High School journal is full of quotes from the three Emily books. And don't even get me started about Little Women. Susan S. as Marmee... love her! And yes, Ms. Winona IS Jo March. That movie is done so well.
It never fails to bring me full circle: I laugh, cry,and even take several sharp breaths of surprise now and then. Every time I smell an orange or sing Here We Come A-Wassailing, I think of that movie.

I think this is my longest comment EVER! Ha!

Now I'm off to watch Greys and PP from last night...

Anonymous said...

Anne Shirley is my soulmate.
I love her with my heart. We've been best friends since I was five.

The Blue Castle is sublime.

Anonymous said...

PS. Isn't Little Women four books?
Little Women
Little Men
Jo's Boys
Good Wives

or do they count as one book? I dooooooooon't knowwwww :)