21 April 2012


1. I have a job. Praise the heavenly HR gods, and also (most especially) God.

2. Ames and I are starting rehearsals on Monday for a new project-- Crazy for You at Hale Center Theater Orem (where we met but have never performed together awwwwwww cute!). Come see us anytime June 14-August 4 since we're single cast. We tap dance a lot, Ames will be a cowboy, and I will act as a Dance Captain (not to be confused with being an actual dance captain, since that would be silly).

3. Baby sister Elizabeth graduated from BYU this week YAY!!!!!! (which has, incidentally, thrown off my internal clock almost irreversibly. What day is it? What time is it? Is tomorrow Sunday or Monday?) and it's got me all excitable to go back to school. I want to be a Master. It's a bucket list thing. What should I study, y'all??

4. I have worn lipstick every single day since February 26. Do you understand how great this is for my self-esteem? I'll tell you: it is great.

5. My hair is no longer red. I've jumped on the ombre trend and the ends are almost blonde. Can you believe it? Not only blonde, but I also-- wait for it-- changed the part. Like, on my scalp. Gasp. This is a big step for me.

6. I'm resolved to throw out (by which I mean donate, of course) most of my wardrobe until I'm left with only items which I will love to wear no matter what. It is empowering.

7. You know how I have that thyroid thing? Well Madame Butterfly has started acting out again, which is mildly frustrating, but only because my symptoms and diagnosis has kind of slipped in the other direction. The truth is, I'm feeling kind of... I don't know, it's hard to explain. I guess I feel kind of aware. Is that weird? I just feel specifically aware of myself and my body and my blessings and my place in life. Working toward a balance in and taking control of my health has kind of become a very real metaphor for taking control of the balance in my life. First of all, it makes me grateful, because things really are pretty great right now. I feel generally happy. I feel generally hopeful. I know my life isn't 100% right now (coming off unemployment, self-esteem, etc) but just like I take a little tinsy pill every day to help Madame work correctly, I know there are active things I must do each day to improve and balance and heal. It is good. It makes me feel in control.

8. My kitties are the most hilarious and great. I didn't know I could love cats. But I do!!!

What's changing in your life lately?

1 comment:

Greg D said...

I got new glasses!

What's your new job?