26 September 2011

busting the habit

I think the world's most exquisite sandwich must be chicken salad (with grapes) on croissant. Tell me I'm wrong! It's perfection!

It's... perfection.

How does the world's most exquisite sandwich fit into a juice fast? Well, okay, it doesn't really. But what it is, is indicative. The fact that a relatively healthful, handmade chicken salad sandwich is what I'm craving by way of solid food means that I've made some very great strides in overcoming some major food additions.

So okay, maybe I really still love bread, and I still love nachos, and I really love chips, but I can drive down the street without having to mentally talk myself out of stopping for the french fries and chicken snack wraps. In fact, they don't usually sound even that appetizing. Usually.


Also, I've become brave enough to start tucking selected shirts into selected pairs of pants, which is an indication of improved self-image.


Don't forget, everyone-- we're having a party this weekend and it will be very fun, with great cardigans and food and friends and maybe a few rounds of Werewolf. BE THERE.

OH! AND! The blog is quickly approaching 43,000 hits. LET'S MAKE THIS HAPPEN PEEPS!