11 March 2010

i have 2200 personal contacts

Have you ever emailed 2200 people?

Yeah okay, but in a single click?

I just did, and it scared the snot out of me.

I've been working for weeks on this silly (but not silly) little (but really long and important) email for work, promoting various upcoming events for our department that involve educators from the community. They're kind of a big deal, in the sense that I work for the corner of our department which focuses on children and youth, and in order for our youth programs to have youth attendance, we need to get their teachers involved.

It's a lovely email. It looks very pretty with all the pictures decorating it, but very clean and interesting. Key phrases bolded so they stick out to skimmers. Detailed, but not so detailed that people won't have reason to come to our informational meeting next month.

But okay, can I tell you how long I've worked on editing this thing? I've had my first taste of a writer's nightmare. I mean, the blog is one thing because I can just blahhhhhhhhh all over it and who cares (well, I do, since I reread my own posts numerous times and edit frequently after posting, no matter how lame the post). But this email will kind of make or break me, you guys.


And I've already finished my 44oz Diet Coke with light ice from McDonald's which is the best $1.08 of my day, so what have I to calm me???

In other news, I've decided to start doing some freelance editing work. If you need things edited, or if you know people who need things edited, please call/text/email/tweet me or whatever. I'll do it for a small sum, or more preferably, kind of a larger sum. Either way. Some sum is better than no sum, right? Editing. Manuals, papers, applications, dissertations (AH!? but for real.), whatev.

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