24 February 2010

day 23: a youtube video (and more)

It is so sad that the audio card in my work computer is busted (and always has been, in 7.5 weeks I've been working here at Oo-Voo), because I had forgotten how much I love this video, and why the theme song was Jeremy's ringtone on the phone I lost in England.

So, so sad.

This morning I had a 44oz Diet Coke (shocker) in hand before 8:30am. I have to hunker down and write a grant proposal today that might get us upwards of $10,000, so it's kind of a big deal. I have a feeling I won't have any patience for Pepsi Island today.

A bag of Honey BBQ Flavor Twisted Fritos somehow wound up in my purse too. Don't know how that happened. Can't account for it. Don't mind it. Need to keep my energy up.

That's how I get through these kinds of things: type furiously, stop to think, crunch crunch crunch, typetypetypetypebackspacetypetypetypebackbackbackbacktype, think, crunch, SLUUUUUUURP, typetypetype.

I'll have you know that I read 3/4 of Quotidiana last night. I was reading The Best American Essays 2009 and in the middle of an essay about a guy being kidnapped and held at gunpoint during the Civil Rights Movement, it occurred to me that all I wanted in the whole entire world was to go to the library. So I did, and came home not 20 minutes later, Quotidiana and two Antonia Fraser books in hand. I am set for the next few weeks. I intend to be one of those girls who has read every single book written by or with contributions by Antonia Fraser. So what? I'm a fangirl of history. So what?

But Madden-- he's got this essay called Gravity and Distance, which is downright heartbreaking, and I've read it before, and maybe I cried about it. I love these lines:

"Isaac was delivered; Abraham was delivered, from on high. Of the many reasons explanations excuses I have heard, one sticks in my mind: God wanted, it is said, one earthly father to know his pain, what it was like to sacrifice his only son."

What this has to do with Planet Unicorn, I can't even tell you, but I'm not sure it matters.

1 comment:

Jen said...

I'm slowly working my way through The Best American Essays 2009. But every time I pick it up, I remember that I need to impress Gloria Cronin right now and I have to get back to that reading and writing instead. I love fiction, but oh how I need and pine for a good essay right now.