15 May 2009

post-collegeate update

So I graduated college exactly three weeks ago. Believe me, it has been a whirlwind, which is why I haven't been blogging very extensively. I mean, you guys, I have so much to do, you don't even have any idea. Because I know you've been so interested in my life, I'm going to tell you all the cool and interesting post-graduate things I've been doing.

Let's see. Where do I begin.

Well... to be honest I don't really remember what I did most of the week after graduation. The most exciting part was that we decided to have part of our wedding celebrations at the Lion House-- and that's exciting for sure. Other than that I... saw X-Men Origins: Wolverine, I think. We celebrated my dad's birthday? Ames took this cute picture of Sprouty. He's cute huh? Yep. And so is Sprout. Wink!

What else have I done? I didn't have time during the semester to watch my TV shows, so I've gotten myself caught up on The Office, Ugly Betty, Grey's Anatomy, and America's Next Top Model. I mean sure, that's only four shows, but it's like, 10 episodes of each. And then because I caught up, now I have to stay caught up, so that's been taking up a lot of time. Listen-- season finales so far? Grey's made me fall on the floor a little bit and made me go, "WHAT?!" So it's a good thing I watched The Office finale after that. Definitely good for a pick-me-up. Also was only 21 minutes long so I could get back to all the super important things I have to do these days.

We've managed to see The Ghosts of Girlfriends Past, Star Trek, and last night we saw Angels & Demons, which ruled my world and I don't care what anyone says. Also, I've watched like six episodes of Who's Wedding Is It Anyway? and I've painted my fingernails twice.

This week has been a BIG WEEK. I have applied for literally like fifteen jobs. Every day the first thing I do is check my round of websites-- craigslist, uvu.edu, and the local school districts-- for job listings, and then I apply for everything I'm at all qualified for. So basically, by about 10:30 every morning, I've done almost all I can do to further my career. Or begin it, I guess, depending how you look at it.

Also this week I have... sat outside in the sun for like 30 minutes a day, praying to get a little color in my skin but too afraid of burning to sit out for long. I ate cheeseburgers with Julie and Heidi the other day. Ames had pancakes, which is boring if you're eating dinner at IHOP. I mean, right? I had some yellow curry yesterday... I wore a yellow dress and then I decided to wear that yellow dress for my engagement pictures. That's a really important decision that I only could have made with a university diploma!

I have done so many things this week that I can't even keep it all straight! I went to the doctor. I supported my fiance's decision to quit his shady, awful job that he had for three days. No job is better than a crappy, eyebrow-raising job, I always say (I always say that). AND! I ordered TWO pairs of wedding shoes online. I'll send back the pair that's not up to par. I wanted to order some stuff from IKEA but I figured I should a. include the someday-husband in choices for furniture that we'll be using together. b. have a source of income to pay for all the cute household items I want real bad. And now I know all the dirt about the Jon and Kate scandal. I'm still in denial. Or maybe I just have faith that he is NOT a cheater.

Yes. This is the life of a college graduate, everyone. Basically unemployed, no income and lots of things to think about buying, lots of time to ruin my skin in the sun, blurring the line between reality and tvland... EVERYTHING I HAVE EVER DREAMED!!!!

...can I have a job now?


Hailey said...

Wait a minute--WHAT Jon and Kate scandal?

I was happy to see you the other night, pretty lady!

ashleigh said...

That's exactly been my life! Isn't it amazing?...or not.

Heather Davis said...

Em, you are so funny. Hang in there, something always turns up when you least expect it.

Julie Wilding said...

You can be my personal assistant, and I yours, so then we can just hang out all the time. This is your new job.

Robbie said...

A) I miss you

B) I love you

C) Hooray for everything fun in your life right now!

D) If you are interested in a ghetto-based, low paying, crazy job . . . you can come teach with me! :)

Unknown said...

here's the thing.

i'm so excited for your upcoming nuptials and can't even believe we have yet to meet on the blogosphere (or the facebookosphere for that matter).
