04 February 2009

i stalk you long time

Is it wrong to stalk people on the internet?

Now I don't mean looking up personal information, or school records, or anything creepy like that. What I mean is, is it wrong to spend more than a few minutes looking at someone's Facebook profile/pictures, or going back a few pages on their blog?

Because here's the thing-- I totally do that. I'm such a professional blog/Facebook stalker, you guys. Of course, it's not the kind of thing I'd admit to being with any kind of detail. It's enough that you know I possess the capacity; you don't need to know who it is I'm stalking or why. I think my favorite people to stalk are those who are peripherally important to me-- people who are close to people I am/want to be close to. Sure, sometimes it's because I'm suspicious of them, or jealous. And duh, stalking people I don't like at all is morbidly fascinating and definitely a good way to spend a few slow minutes at work. I don't know, maybe I'm crazy. I feel like I'm not alone in this pursuit, however, even if you won't admit it...

Thinking about this curious habit of mine got me wondering for a minute about my personal feelings regarding people stalking ME. Don't deny it. There are people reading this entry right now who don't know me, or at least not well, or your motives for reading are inspired by varying curiosities: you're wondering why my IP Address is on your statcounter, aren't you? Or maybe you clicked the link Julie posted in an entry a few weeks ago. Or maybe you read an essay I wrote which mentioned my blog? Maybe you clicked the link I pimped in my Facebook status even though we're not really friends, or maybe you actually despise me and are seething with disgust and frustration at my self-indulgence, or maybe you're trying to decide if I'm awesome enough to be hanging out so much with your brother/son?

Frankly, these are all valid reasons for stalking me. I don't blame you. In fact, I encourage it. It helps me justify myself when I wind up on your blog for similar reasons.

Also, the way I see it, the more people who read my blog, the more potential sales I'll have when I decide to publish that book someday.


AmandaStretch said...

My name is Amanda, and I'm an internet stalker. But at least you and I have met, and are actual Facebook friends.

Current FB stalking - the guy I've now been on two dates with haven't heard from since Sunday. Has he been on Facebook and not responded to my sharing of a funny link? Not yet . . .

Lizzie Jones said...

I stalk you. But I don't know if it counts since I know you. And I do stalk others but I love euphemisms and I tend to call it "taking an interest in my fellow beings"- I also look at the wedding albums of people I do not know, never will know, and have zero connection to. Just for fun. I support people stalking me too. Example: on my aunt's blog, my blog is listed under the caption "hot and available chick" so one of their friends saw it, read my blog and saw my picture and deemed me clever and beautiful and hilarious. She then passed the information on to her ruggedly handsome 26-yr-old son, who my uncle called to pass on my number. We're going out this weekend.

Andy said...

Not having a Facebook makes this very difficult, as *ahem* some have very recently learned.


Just me said...

Stalking is always acceptable unless it's unwanted attention. I, for one, feel that attention is never unwanted :)


ashleigh said...

I always check peoples things to see if they happen to mention me, then I know we're real friends. Love you!

Caitie said...

Funny that this was the post to which I lost my Emily-stalking virginity.

Good form. Everyone is a creep and anyone who denies it is even creepier.

Unknown said...

Despite you disappearing for years at a time (and despite my doing the same), I also abashedly stalk you, my dear. And now I'm going to stalk you even more now that I, too, have a Blogspot. Now if only I could figure out how to "friend" your journal...

Robbie said...

I will never stop stalking you. Never.
Creeped out yet??
Good . . . me neither

P.S. And I totally internet stalk, especially on people who I went to high school with and never talk to anymore . . . in particular my old high school rival. I just have to make sure I'm still "cooler" than her ;)

Unknown said...

Since you called me out, I guess I have to reveal myself. I don't even know how I got here, but I've enjoyed reading several of your posts.

On to the next blog...

Ariella said...

Alright...I definitely fall into the are you "awesome enough to be hanging out so much with your brother" category. From what I can tell...Ames is a lucky boy. :) Can't wait to get to know you better. Blog stalking is always a good start. :)

I AM KITTY said...

My name is Kitty
and I don't know you at all - in any way.
I guess I am a bit of a stalker!
