17 February 2009

to do: stop doing

I am a natural-born multi-tasker. I was born with that feminine instinct which allows me to do 80 things at once. Apparently this is a concept that most men cannot fathom. For example, most men (and I dare say, some women) cannot comprehend the idea of putting on mascara, making a phone call, singing along with the radio, composing an essay, and thinking about a conversation you need to have with someone-- while driving up University Parkway, steering with your knee.

That is, of course, a rhetorical situation. 

But this is what girls do. Girls sit in class taking notes, making a To-Do list, passing notes with their friend across the aisle about the inane discussion, writing in their journal, rereading a paper due in an hour, and checking their phone every six seconds to see if they got a text from that cute boy. All in a day, you guys, right?

Though some might covet the ability to do so much at once, I've been trying to break myself of the habit this semester. My focus lately has been shot-- I mean, completely non-existent. I don't blame myself for not being able to retain German vocabulary since I can't seem to settle myself long enough to remember that Ansteckung means infection. Okay, I remember that one after all, but you understand my point.

What I need is to embrace some masculine inclination and learn to compartmentalize my thoughts, focusing on one thing at a time to ensure that everything I wrote on that To-Do list actually gets finished. I need to put on my male thinking cap and when it's time to do German, I will do my German. When it's time to read The White Lady, I will read it. When I need to do laundry and clean my room, I may dip my toe into multi-anything, play music and dance as I do so. The best way to get through cleaning is to dance your way through it. And by gum, I'll actually sit down and finish that stupid Biology course. Actually, first I'll sit down and really start it.

I'm hoping the attempt will also help me better understand the men in my life who can't think about so many things at once. I'll learn to focus on one thing at a time, and not get quite so stressed out over things as I over-think. The process of thinking about one thing at a time really tends to neutralize emotions too, I would think. Like, romantic feelings don't just disappear when someone doesn't text you as they're doing homework or rehearsing or whatever. Hopefully, my own compartmentalization will reenforce that notion and give me more control over my feelings. That's really what this is about-- it's an issue of control. I aspire to be in control! 

So my plan of action? 
Step 1:  Start the day with proper scripture study.
Step 3:  Complete tasks in order of priority.
Step 4:  Quit texing quite so much... ahem.
Step 5:  Remember that I am, in fact, a girl, and it's okay for me to have emotions.

Notes to self: Recognition of those emotions will not complete my tasks any quicker, nor does the recognition provide me with justification for distractions. Also, don't steer cars with my knee.


lizzy said...

yeah. me too.

ashleigh said...

My brother couldn't see how I could drive with my knee and he can't even reach the steering wheel with his long legs. I thought he was lame, but now I see that it was a God given gift to help me multi-task! Thanks for bringing me to the light.

Matthew said...

Passing notes across the aisle, that is, when you grace us with your presence. (Wink.) I only tease because I miss your face.
Also, I multitask and I hope that doesn't say something about my masculinity.

Peggy Sherratt said...

I luv multitasking....sometimes! ha! No, but truth be said......guys really don't get it!