16 January 2009

blog secret 2.0

...because I'm really good at making lists.

I feel irreversibly ridiculous whenever I take my backpack to school. This is why you see me carrying enormous and enormously stuffed purses, or I carry a stack of books in my arms. I'm finding this semester to be tricky, however, since it seems I have to carry my entire library with me each and every single day to school. This is because I'm taking 8 credits of German, and I'm sorry, but that English-German dictionary is anything but "concise." So basically I can thank the German department for looking ridiculous. Maybe I should just get a new trendy backpack, OR use a camel back for a normal backpack because I get so thirsty walking across campus everyday, you guys. Must always be hydrating-- always.

I like to think that I'm really good at playing tomboy-ish roles and that I'm not an ingenue kind of actress, mostly because I feel that way in real life. I don't feel like a Miss Dorothy or a Laurie, and I'm more than happy to play "ugly" characters onstage. I have noticed, however, that I have not lately played an "ugly" role. In fact, the last "ugly" role I played was the Stepmother in Cinderella my senior year of high school. I have been cast recently in really quite "pretty" roles-- sassy, perhaps, but not at all "ugly." This is an interesting revelation to me. It has greatly changed my outlook and goals.

I'm never without mascara. My eyes are permascara-ed. Not only this, but I have at least one tube of mascara on me at all times. I can't say I typically use it, though I carry it, but it's like a grown-up security blanket. Somehow I feel like Lucy Van Pelt would understand.

I'm obsessed with boots. I have four pair now in varying styles, though still nothing exactly like I found them in London (WHY DIDN'T I BUY THOSE CURSED BOOTS FOR £15?!?!?!?!). I think what I'd really like is a pair of boots like the ones Sloane wears in Ferris Beuller's Day Off. Don't think I wouldn't wear them, either. Actually, I'd probably wear them every single day...

...but only if I can find a new decent pair of skinny jeans. I love skinny jeans. Sometimes I wish I were skinnier to look more skinny in skinny jeans, but luckily, skinny jeans come in my size anyway, even if I am not myself skinny.

Sometimes I look at people who are loud, socially awkward, obnoxious, badly dress, and/or have glasses that are not quite retro enough to be awesome, and I wonder to myself, how are they married? Does this make me mean/judgemental/bitter?


ashleigh said...

Oh Emily! I think that ALL the time.

topher clark said...

I'm worried about what you think of my glasses.