25 July 2008

Pros and Cons

There are certain things I'm finding that I love about England. One of them is how beautiful the weather has been. It's been kind of surprising, actually-- it's really warm, and really humid, and really sunny. Let me tell you, it's not my favorite thing whilst riding on the Tube (I can say things like whilst because the English use it in their billboards. On the Tube.), and I dare say it gets downright oppressive, but I'm glad not to have experienced "London weather" yet.

I love the great theater I've seen. Later I'll post a summary of the shows I've seen this week, but for now I'll just say that I've loved all the plays we've seen, and I've learned a great deal from them. It inspires me, and has changed me.

Also, I love the history in this city. Oh my gosh, you guys. I spent the entire day at the Tower of London today. It's fine that it was built 1000 YEARS AGO. I feel like a lot Americans can't even wrap their minds around that kind of time, you know? I mean, I can't even, really. That's a freaking long time. 1000 years? And to be surrouned by that kind of history in every part of the city is just so spectacular. I can't wait until the US can claim 1000 years, if we make it till then.

Other things I'm a fan of include
-useful coins in the money system
-my Oyster card
-being able to walk all over the city with ease
-restaurants EVERYWHERE
-Big Ben. But we knew that.

But for all it's charms and delights, there are also some things about England that I don't like. As much as I like the weather, I do not like the fact that England has not invented Air Conditioning yet. In the US, you go to a restaurant or museum to escape the summer heat. That's the point. But in England, you can't escape it, even in a super way cool fun place like Wagamama's.

Mostly though, what I don't like about England is how much everyone smokes. OH MY GOSH they're like freaking chimneys! For a country that is so environmentally conscious, I'm really surprised by how popular a trend it is. Also, it seems pretty much no site is safe-- people were smoking all over the Tower today. Maybe I'm taking for granted things like the Clean Air Act, but I seriously don't think Americans smoke NEARLY as much as the English. Shocking.

So I will miss a lot of things when we have to leave, but I will not miss smoking, and I will enjoy my air conditioning a lot, plzkthnx.


Amy said...

When I was in London the first time the air conditioning (even if it's not good it at least blows some air) in the tube was broken. No air movement at all and it happened to be record heat, like the hottest it had been in over 100 years. RIDICULOUS! It was the grossest thing trying to cram 200 high school kids on to the train along with rush hour traffic with no air, but I'd do it again. I'd survive almost anything for Europe.

Heather Davis said...

oh i LOVED the tower of London when i was there. it was one of my favorite sites. i'm glad you are having such great experiences! i can't imagine trying to survive in that weather. hang in there :S