01 January 2008

Ring Out, Wild Bells

Here it is, 1 January 2008. I'm sure there are any number of parties I could be livening at the moment, but instead I'm home writing a blog-- because I am just that awesome. To celebrate the new year, I'm going to IKEA in the morning and then plan to rock out on Guitar Hero all day. I know GHIII just came out but man, I'm determined to beat Less Talk More Rokk to my satisfaction.

Anyway, like so many others, I'd like to do a little recap of the highlights of 2007.

--Kiss Me Kate
--Making dozens of new friends
--Guitar Hero
--Moving away from home again
--Two good roles.
--Navy blue nail polish
--The Rocket Summer concert!!!
--Cutting off my hair
--Hitchcock nights at Jeremy's house
--Lying in the bowl of Rock Canyon Park, talking till all hours of the summer morning
--Greg coming home
--Dressing up to see Belthazaar's Feast
--Kyle's basement
--Cheering on the Colony's softball team
--Memorial Day with Chris, and at the zoo
--Zupas with Ashley practically every day
--My weekend in Maine-- not nearly long enough
--Getting to know my great-grandparents through their letters
--Into the Woods 2002 reunion party
--Most Haunted with Katie, and sleeping over because we were scared
--Kelly FREAKING OUT during Disturbia
--Hot tubbing at Tim's
--Ditching class to talk to Sage on the lawn next to the MARB
--Will & Grace on DVD
--Getting a signed copy of Rooney's Calling the World in the mail
--Everything about Spring Term, including how hot it was in my apartment all the time
--Clue, literally 8 billion times.
--Shopping with Kelly or Ashley
--Antics and sleepovers in Liz's basement
--Watching Digging for the Truth with my roommates
--Ben Lee concert with my sister
--Meeting Ben Lee
--My Taming of the Shrew paper
--Talking to Amber late into the night
--"Helping" Ashley stay awake to study all night
--Late-night trips to Smith's, 7-11, and/or Del Taco with Ashley
--98% on a paper for my British Renaissance Literature class
--The Rocket Summer's new album, Do You Feel?
--Size 8 jeans again!!!
--Text messaging like a fiend
--Ashley and ELIZA coming to see my play:D
--The Christmas Dance with Bonny one last time

Things I Loved
Movies-- Disturbia, Across the Universe, The Darjeeling Limited, Reefer Madness
Books-- The Devil in the White City, Switching Time, Perfume
TV-- The Office, Pushing Daisies, Ugly Betty, The Tudors, So You Think You Can Dance
Music-- The Rocket Summer, Rooney, Mika, Young Love, Imogen Heap, Ben Lee, Backstreet Boys
Show Music-- Young Frankenstein, Little Women, Sweeney Todd, Hairspray
Food-- Zupas, Guru's, Pudding on the Rice, Happy Sumo, Shoots
Poetry-- Neutral Tones (Thomas Hardy), Redemption (George Herbert)
Websites-- ohnotheydidnt.livejournal.com, glennbeck.com, newyorker.com
Clothes-- wedge heels (Target), retro wool coat (Target), music shoes (Forever Young)
People I Don't Know-- Megan Mullally, Mia Michaels, Mindy Kaling, BJ Novak, Bryce Avery

Things I Look Forward to in 2008
She Loves Me and working with Dave Tinney
Study abroad in London/Scotland
The Dark Knight
Indiana Jones 4

More missionaries coming home
The Writer's Strike ENDING ALREADY
Living with Julie
The Drowsy Chaperone coming to SLC-- and meeting Jonathan Crombie!!!!!
The Rocket Summer in May
Pursuing acting/performing and writing more seriously


Ashley O said...

Um, so why does everything we do involve spending money?

Oh cuz we are buying memories! (that literally came to my mind after I asked that question.) I'm that good.

@emllewellyn said...

Hahahahahahahahahaha good answer. And completely apt. We'll just have to convince my mom of that;)

Eliza said...

I'm so SHOCKED that you didn't say meeting me. *locks herself in the bathroom*

@emllewellyn said...

GWAH! I can't even believe I didn't include that.

Consider this entry EDITED post haste!!