20 September 2011

back on track

I'm back from hiatus, everybody.

Obvs I've been gone for a while-- I had to go to Vegas for a work trip and then yesterday was my birthday (OMG I FEEL SO OLD). Needless to say, this means I've been off the juice for almost a week. And I've managed to gain back 4.5 lbs of what I lost. But it's ok! Because I didn't gain it all back, and a lot of this is birthday-food weight (since it's okay to eat Thai food and Chili's and tutti-frutti jelly bellies all in the same day on your birthday) and I'm excited to get back to feeling healthy.

I guess that's been the most interesting part of going off the fast for my trip. I started to ween off last Wednesday night-- I had my first full meal (1 spicy tuna roll and 1 small bowl of miso soup) and felt pretty ok. I didn't feel overfull, and my body wasn't too terribly mad about digesting. Thursday I did my best to take is slow throughout the day, but Thursday night we went to a buffet at the Las Vegas Convention Center Hilton. Though I really didn't overdo it, my body was angry the next morning.

Which is obviously why I followed up with the nachos platter at Cabo Wabo that evening. Duh.

It was so much food. Again, I didn't even finish all of it (that would have been disgusting of me had I finished it all by myself) but my stomach felt all full and stretched out in a way that I've become really unused to. I didn't like it.

Saturday and Sunday I did much better by way of portions and I avoided feeling overstuffed, but I didn't do too well in the quality of food I was eating. And then yesterday, like I said, I had Thai food and Chilis and jelly bellies and also Pringles. I just love Pringles. But at least they were the reduced fat kind (which obviously meant I could eat almost the whole can almost by myself in three days, amiright?).

This morning I began with a juice of two oranges and a pear. It was delicious to my taste and I'm sooooo looking forward to getting rid of the junk I've managed to put back in my system so easily.

Day 8 (or whatever) -- 162.5 lbs

1 comment:

Allison Easley said...

I'm back down my 8 lbs that I gained during the Great Blood Letting dilemma of last week. Yay for hospitalization!

Keep going mama. Keep on going.