19 May 2010


Since I don't have my adapter to upload the pictures from my phone of the sentimental, cathartic, character-building I had last evening involving the 47 pairs of shoes I had in my closet (as mentioned on facebook), I'll just throw a public party for myself to celebrate:

1. The new phone I got yesterday to replace the old/dead phone which had been fixed four times. This is only a temporary phone, since I intend to have the HTC Evo by the end of summer, but a fun toy in the meantime. And I'm learning to type on a qwerty keyboard.

2. The sore muscles I have from doing a great workout yesterday because I'm not going to let this silly little plateau get the best of me.

3. How I'm weaning myself off The Juice. Goodbye to you in very, very large amounts, old friend. We'll still have each other sometimes.

4. Moments away from 20,000 hits. WHAT THE WHAT! How shall I celebrate? What kind of crappy giveaway can I do? What would you like to see posted? Let's get crazy up in here, you guys.


Amy said...

I think you should draw a portrait of the 20,000th visitor. OR sculpt their likeness out of butter.

Anonymous said...

Can we see many photos from your wedding? :)