20 January 2010

day 7: a photo that makes you happy

Truth: photos of myself don't thrill me lately. I'm struggling to knock off the little weight I gained over Christmas, on top of the few extra pounds I've kind of always had, and so lately I kind of look at myself and go YEESH.

Stop. I know. I do not base my self-worth upon my looks, and my looks are not even bad. Don't remind me, I already know it. But it doesn't change the fact that I'd like to feel better about myself, and so I'm going to.

I like going through pictures though, to find a single one that makes me happy. That's difficult to do, since I have so many that make me happy. Here's one of my very favorite happy photos:
This is me and Ames about to board Thunder Mountain Railroad at Disneyland. We had been married approximately 45 hours. See that pin on Ames's shirt? It says Just Married, with a picture of Cinderella and her prince. I'm not going to draw any sappy parallels between myself and Cinderella, but I invite you do draw some for me.

I sure love that Ames Bell.


Julie Wilding said...

Likes this!!!!

Megan said...

We wore pins that said Happy Anniversary on them when we were there a few weeks ago. After the first 20 people said happy anniversary to us, I got a little sick of it, but we kept wearing those pins with pride all day long!

Cristina said...

I think you'll find it funny (or at least amusing) when you find out what my blog 'nym is. :D