26 January 2010

day 11: a photo of you taken recently

This is me, in my costume for Urinetown the Musical, taken three or four days ago. You're seeing this correctly: pregnant suit, filthy face, (fake, made out of wood) cigarette. My parents are so proud.

In the show, I wear that belly, (fake) smoke that (fake) cigarette, sing, and jump rope, all at the same time. I'm SUPER gross in this show, as evidenced by the picture. I mean, I know sometimes people strike some kind of pose for pictures, but really-- this is what I look like in the show, only a little more cutthroat and bloodthirsty. I sing a song about killing the female romantic lead. So, there's that.

Don't believe me? See for yourself.

Urinetown the Musical
Jan 21 - 30, 7:30 PM
Ragan Theater -- UVU Student Center
Order tickets:
801-863-PLAY or the online box office

1 comment:

Heidi said...

Just one of MANY MANY reasons I love you so madly. The end.

(word verification: rulde. As in "FER RULDE.")