23 March 2009

answering phones

Emily: Hale Center Theater Orem.
Patron: *pause pause pause* ...is this the Hale Theater in Orem?

It is one of those days, you guys.


Heidi said...


I'm sorry. :(


Andy said...

But wouldn't it be kind of awesome if it wasn't the Hale Center Theater in Orem?

Hailey said...

In their defense, I once had this horrible phone that would not catch the first two seconds of the person answering on the other line. I always sounded like an idiot. My good friend knew to say, "Hello, hello, hello, hello" until I actually heard it.

Robbie said...

Hey! That was me!

Ashley O said...

Andy has a point.

Cathy said...

I can't tell you how many times I had that happen to me!