28 September 2011

~*~*happy wednesday*~~*~

Last night, for the first time in so long I don't care to think about it, I sat down and had a very long, in-depth scripture study. It made me feel really good about myself, and in combination with the increasingly autumnal weather, and red lipstick, and a renewed interest in getting dressed in real clothes, I think it's the most Happy Wednesday I've seen in a while.

~*~*~* happy wednesday *~*~*~

1. nail polish in speedy hot tamale to match lipstick in flame.
I sure love coral-y, orange-y reds these days. I'm learning to embrace boldness and remember that I'm only as cool as I think I am. It's a mindset. If I want to be as cool as fashion bloggers and the all-star cast of America's Next Top Model, I need to just go on and rock it. Think, Professor, think!

2. wearing my cat-eye glasses.
Maybe it's that I've been watching Mad Men (finally), but really I think it's just that the heat of summer is passing and I don't want to tear them off my overheating-in-the-desert face anymore. And they were only like $25 at my favorite online glasses store.

3. my funny snuggle cats, trevor and lucille 2.
They are the cutest. They don't really get along because Lucille 2 is a terrible bully (which is actually kind of funny sometimes), but last night they both slept on the bed for almost the whole night! I never knew I could love a cat. Now I love two. If you come to our party, maybe you'll meet them.

4. we're having a party.
It celebrates cardigans and involves really yummy food, and we might play Werewolf. I keep plugging it, so obvs I'm excited. Be there.

5. i have really talented people in my life.
I'm kind of overwhelmed by it lately. Of course, on the one hand it makes me feel very small-- which is, I suppose, means I'm just feeling humbled. And that is good. But on the other hand, I'm just filled with pride to associate with such wonderful folks. I'm a lucky girl!

What's going on in your Happy Wednesday?

26 September 2011

busting the habit

I think the world's most exquisite sandwich must be chicken salad (with grapes) on croissant. Tell me I'm wrong! It's perfection!

It's... perfection.

How does the world's most exquisite sandwich fit into a juice fast? Well, okay, it doesn't really. But what it is, is indicative. The fact that a relatively healthful, handmade chicken salad sandwich is what I'm craving by way of solid food means that I've made some very great strides in overcoming some major food additions.

So okay, maybe I really still love bread, and I still love nachos, and I really love chips, but I can drive down the street without having to mentally talk myself out of stopping for the french fries and chicken snack wraps. In fact, they don't usually sound even that appetizing. Usually.


Also, I've become brave enough to start tucking selected shirts into selected pairs of pants, which is an indication of improved self-image.


Don't forget, everyone-- we're having a party this weekend and it will be very fun, with great cardigans and food and friends and maybe a few rounds of Werewolf. BE THERE.

OH! AND! The blog is quickly approaching 43,000 hits. LET'S MAKE THIS HAPPEN PEEPS!

22 September 2011

i am having a party

(click to enlarge)

all are welcome.

cardigans required.

day 10 - 159.8 lbs

21 September 2011

love fall

Do you know what the greatest thing about the fall is?

I mean aside from the layered clothing and boots and leaves and crispy air and Falloween decorations in my house all leading up to Christmas and snow-- besides all that?


No better way to kick off my 25th year and this season of all the greatest shows than with the Emmy Awards this weekend, during which I have never been more inspired to be a television actress. Think of all the shows we have to look forward to!

America's Next Top Model!

30 Rock!

Grey's Anatomy!


And so, so many more.

Last night I also had the pleasure of catching my dear friend Greg on Raising Hope, and New Girl was pretty funny (although I've got a blog brewing about my dissatisfaction with the growing number of plots based around totally awesome and super quirky girls who eat like crap and are magically skinny and so totally adorable with their super weird clothes and adorable anti-social behavior and clever pop culture references).

I did watch Glee even though I've decided I'm basically OVER IT. It's just not very interesting to me anymore aside from the kids from The Glee Project showing up this season. The Glee Project is interesting to me. And even though I hated her on The Glee Project, give it up for Lindsay and her killer mash-up of "Anything Goes/Anything You Can Do" (and the brilliant editing that smoothed over her fake tap dancing).

In other non-TV related news, I juiced a nectarine this morning. It didn't result in very much juice (even though it was the juiciest, ripest nectarine ever in existence), but it did provide a touch of tang to my apple/pear/carrot mix.

Even though I was off the juice for a few days, I just need to tell you how much better I feel about my health and my appearance when I've got a few glasses of juice in me each day. I don't feel overstuffed. Even when I eat solid food in addition to juice, I don't eat as much, and my stomach feels empty, even though I'm satisfied. I don't feel quite so thick in the middle, do you know what I mean?

Also, I've noticed I sleep better. I don't toss and turn quite so much, I fall asleep more quickly and with less anxiety. Isn't that weird? To have anxiety when trying to go to sleep? I guess I just mean I can more easily "shut off my brain" so I fall asleep real fast without thinking about a thousand things (which is what makes me anxious). So that's good. I want to keep sleeping well.

Cheers to television, fall, and more juicing.

Day 9 -- 160.2 lbs

20 September 2011

back on track

I'm back from hiatus, everybody.

Obvs I've been gone for a while-- I had to go to Vegas for a work trip and then yesterday was my birthday (OMG I FEEL SO OLD). Needless to say, this means I've been off the juice for almost a week. And I've managed to gain back 4.5 lbs of what I lost. But it's ok! Because I didn't gain it all back, and a lot of this is birthday-food weight (since it's okay to eat Thai food and Chili's and tutti-frutti jelly bellies all in the same day on your birthday) and I'm excited to get back to feeling healthy.

I guess that's been the most interesting part of going off the fast for my trip. I started to ween off last Wednesday night-- I had my first full meal (1 spicy tuna roll and 1 small bowl of miso soup) and felt pretty ok. I didn't feel overfull, and my body wasn't too terribly mad about digesting. Thursday I did my best to take is slow throughout the day, but Thursday night we went to a buffet at the Las Vegas Convention Center Hilton. Though I really didn't overdo it, my body was angry the next morning.

Which is obviously why I followed up with the nachos platter at Cabo Wabo that evening. Duh.

It was so much food. Again, I didn't even finish all of it (that would have been disgusting of me had I finished it all by myself) but my stomach felt all full and stretched out in a way that I've become really unused to. I didn't like it.

Saturday and Sunday I did much better by way of portions and I avoided feeling overstuffed, but I didn't do too well in the quality of food I was eating. And then yesterday, like I said, I had Thai food and Chilis and jelly bellies and also Pringles. I just love Pringles. But at least they were the reduced fat kind (which obviously meant I could eat almost the whole can almost by myself in three days, amiright?).

This morning I began with a juice of two oranges and a pear. It was delicious to my taste and I'm sooooo looking forward to getting rid of the junk I've managed to put back in my system so easily.

Day 8 (or whatever) -- 162.5 lbs

13 September 2011


I must begin today by admitting a bit of a defeat. Well, I guess I can't call it a defeat because it just is what it is and I'm taking my health very seriously. The whole point of Juice Fast 2011 is to take my health seriously, which I haven't done in a very long time. The bottom line is that I have a thyroid disease. This isn't new-- I've been treating it for 5.5 years and I've mentioned it here a few times. It's kind of a big deal, but given access to good doctors and observant friends and family, it's not very terrible to handle.

However, though my symptoms have been in remission for almost a year, I've had some cause lately to go back on a very low dose of medication to help curb some symptoms. This fact is the reason why I cannot attempt to proceed with Juice Fast 2011 in what should be its most basic, natural form.

This is not to say that I'm giving up completely. I've done a lot of research and I still feel strongly that some small adaptations to this method will continue to benefit my health and assist me in healing my body. I still hope this may help to put me even further into remission. Juice fasting is aiding me in being more aware of how much dairy I eat (or don't), for example, and dairy can mess with my hormone levels, etc etc etc. I figure this is good knowledge, even if I have to "cheat" sometimes in order to actually embrace a full level of health for my body in its current state.

So there's that.

Now that I'm a week into The Experiment, I've been inundated with questions (and opinions and advice and all kinds of comments, both positive and negative). I've received many expressions of encouragement and a few expressions of concern regarding my protein intake. I figure I may as well collectively address some of the things I have learned.

Please note: my research has gone beyond simply watching the documentary Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead. While it was certainly inspiring to me, and definitely an informative and motivating tool in this experiment, I wouldn't dream of pursuing a lifestyle that could potentially screw with my health without having more facts at hand.

1. Is this healthy?
Yes. It's basically a vegan/sugar-/grain-free lifestyle. While I haven't been yet, ever-popular nuts (in the form of nut milk) can be introduced to provide additional nutrients and forms of energy. The goal is to empty the body of foreign, non-digestible matter found in most of our food these days-- especially in my (former?) diet of processed, enriched fast food. By embracing clean, raw foods in a liquidized state, the digestive tract is able to recoup and physically rest, allowing all that toxic sludge to exit the body. It helps to break destructive food addictions. Oh, and it's a completely healthy way to lose weight.

2. Yeah, but is it HEALTHY?
Yes. Picture yourself eating an apple. Yummy, right? Kind of sticky, if it's juicy. That apple, while delicious, takes a lot of energy to bite and chew. Further, it takes a lot of energy to then digest. Being solid, it takes even more energy for the body to absorb the nutrients and make them useful. There are also parts of that apple that are relatively inedible (the core) but which hold additional nutrients. Also at least some of that sticky juice ended up down your chin and all over your hands and maybe dripped onto your shirt. This results in only about 70% of the potential useful energy in that apple able to be absorbed into the body.

Conversely, when you pull out the stem of that apple and juice it right up whole, avoid energy wasted by chewing and digesting, providing all the nutrients in a liquid (and therefore absorptive) form, all parts of the apple now made edible, the body is able to immediately intake up to 99% of the available nutrients.

So yeah. It's pretty healthy.

3. But losing more than 2lbs per week isn't healthy.
Sure it is, if your body has more than 2lbs per week to lose. Not every one will lose 20+ lbs in a week like the gentlemen in the documentary, or even 6.6 lbs like I have (having not stuck to the method 100%). The first time I signed up with Weight Watchers I lost about 6lbs in a week, and many people continue to lose at a rate higher than 2lbs per week. The difference is, solid food weighs more. Liquids move through you more quickly, and by allowing all the nutrients to be absorbed in your system, most of the liquids moving through are just water.

By not eating solid foods, the body is able to tap into those fat stores that are so popularly talked about-- the very same ones HCG and other diets attempt to dig into. Humans (especially overweight humans) have stores of energy that inable them to potentially survive for weeks, even months, without solid food. (NOTE: But you can't survive without water!!) It's instinctual and primitive. And healthy.

4. But you're not eating, so it's not healthy!
Stop telling me that. I am eating, and it's healthy. In each juice I'm having the equivalent of 3-6 portions of fruit and vegetables. 3-6 portions x 3 daily servings = 9-18 portions of fruit and vegetables. These are full meals. I'm currently drinking 1.5 cups of spinach, 3 large carrots, 1 pear, and 1.5 cups of grapes. That's a lot of food! Try eating it physically and tell me you aren't full.

Certainly there's a difference between feeling full the way you do when you eat solid food versus feeling full of juice. It is definitely a relearning process. But seriously, it's more a mental thing than it is physical. There's a certain level of fear wrapped in social stigma smothered in personal food habits. People have been fasting for thousands of years for religious, cultural and health purposes. It's healthy. It allows the body to naturally heal. I'm moving forward with my life, guys, not stepping back or promoting eating disorders.

5. Is it filling?
Yeeeees...? Yes. It is. It's just different. The first few days (as I mentioned) I felt like I was going completely crazy. Turns out, a little touch of the crazies is a normal part of the process as we try to understand toxins leaving the body and giving up a comfortable, ingrained dependence on food and chewing. I'm trying to be very in tune with my body to understand the difference between physical hunger and bored hunger. I'm bored-hungry a lot-- I've always known that. This is a really, really good exercise in breaking my bored-hungry habits. I'm glad about that.

6. What about those proteins?
What about them? Frankly I wasn't terribly concerned about getting proper amounts of proteins before this diet, why should I now?

Sarcasm aside, I'm serious. The pursuit of protein is kind of a fad-filled journey. Sure, you need protein, but there's protein in fruit and vegetables, so I'm getting protein. Also protein, by its nature, is a building block-- builds up cells, builds up muscles, builds up the body. Body builders and weight lifters need protein to built up muscles. I am not either of those things nor do I want to focus on building muscles this month. In a single month, the body I have built will not deteriorate into a puddle.

A good example is comparing protein to the wood that builds a house. Once the house is built, do you need to continue piling on wood in order to clean the house? No. That would potentially mess with the foundation of the house and/or the inside of your house would look like a hoarder, making it very difficult to clean. I'm cleaning my body right now, not building. I'll return to pretending like I care about proteins after I've sufficiently cleaned out my system.

7. What kinds of things do/can you juice?
All kinds of things. Basically any water-based fruit or vegetable can go right into the juicer whole (this means no banana, avocado, etc). No need to peel most things except orange peels (but the white rind is good-- even watermelons can go in with the peel) or like cantaloupe. Cantaloupe and honeydew are kind of hard because they have to be just perfectly ripe or else they're kind of worthless, but the cantaloupe I juiced yesterday was TASTY. Berries don't juice terribly well (especially strawberries) because it's hard to separate the pulp from the juice which means you don't get a lot out of juicing them, but I like do dump in a cup of blueberries or blackberries because of the antioxidants. Best to add berries to other, more plentiful juices rather than trying to make a blueberry juice base, for example. Oh and peel a pineapple. Duh.

As I've mentioned, I'm working up to working with more greens, which are real real good for you. Spinach is very sweet, as are carrots, so that helps to avoid squinching my nose over bitter tastes. Cucumbers, celery, kale, tomatoes, sweet potatoes-- all good. Will keep you updated with more recipes as I have them. There are great recipes and resources all over the interweb and libraries. Easy.

Oh. No pits in the juicer. 1) They're bad for the juicer. 2) They can be poisonous, which is bad for your body.

Again: use ginger at your own discretion/risk. Also, a little lemon goes a long way.

8. How long are you "supposed" to do this?
It depends what your goals are. People can go for months and months and months in this form of fasting. This isn't without a bit of practice however, to say the least. This is another reason why I'm embracing the idea of a modified fast. It's hard. It's hard mentally, and it's hard physically. It requires discipline and dedication.

Fasts can last one day, three days, ten days, or more. What I plan to do from now on is a combination of one- to three-day fasts. Anyone who's been on Weight Watchers or other "diets" knows that varying your meals and exercise plans is what really seems to work best-- never letting your body get "used" to a real pattern. Obviously a longer fast is going to have more immediate, long-term results, but for someone like me (for example), doing a series of 1-3 day fasts with some (hopefully) healthful breaks between for 30 days seems as if it will yield more realistic, if slower, results.

9. Who should juice fast?
Anyone, but with careful consideration of contributing factors such as stress, work, medical conditions, etc. It's like other diet plans but with less emphasis on exercise. You should exercise to help release those toxins, but don't plan on training for a marathon. The idea is to NOT starve. Bodies should not shut down, you should not have a fainting spell, and you shouldn't abuse the idea of "not eating." It's an emotional and spiritual cleanse too (seriously, it is-- had a random come-apart when I broke my tablespoon the other day. It was surprising, but explainable). DO YOUR RESEARCH before diving in.

10. Doesn't "fast" mean you aren't eating?
Correct. A juice fast perhaps isn't the purest form of fasting (that would be a water fast, where you don't have anything but water, which is scary and waaaaaay too dedicated than I could ever be, I think), but it is "pure" in the sense that the goal is to not eat solid foods. So go on-- think you're fancy pants for catching me in a lie, but it's not really. Also, I invite you to try this before you tell me I'm cheating by drinking juice.

There are a ton of great resources available about juice fasting. I recommend specifically is the book Juice Fasting & Detoxification by Steve Meyerowitz. It's been interesting to hear peoples' responses and questions to this journey of mine, and I appreciate the motivation to keep going. What else do you want to know?

Day 7 -- 158.4 lbs

12 September 2011

head in the game

Okay, okay, okay, okay, okay. I cheated this weekend. What? Is that what you wanted to hear? Is it? Fine, well-- I admit it. I cheated. I ate solid food. And it wasn't very good for me. There. I said it. And I didn't want to blog about it, okay? Sue me.

There were even witnesses! Multiple! Plenty of witnesses! What can I do-- pretend like it didn't happen? Blame my (slight) weight gain on "nature?"

Nope. It happened. I ate 1.5 (small) pieces of pizza, a cup of raman cabbage salad, about six bites of seven-layer bean dip on tortilla chips, some carrots and melon (go me), a babybel cheese wedge, one pumpkin chocolate chip cookie, one tinsy bite of chocolate cake, one half a cup of macaroni and cheese, and a cup of Special-K Berries cereal.

The truth is that I JUST COULDN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE. The smell of pulp was going to make me barf (A) and frankly, I just needed to prove to myself exactly how beneficial juicing is (B). I'm happy to tell you that I've readjusted to the smell of pulp and I didn't want to die when I was cleaning the juicer this morning, and it's been immediately clear how good juicing is for me.

Example: some of my digestive problems are apparently dairy-related. One half cup of macaroni and cheese and one half cup of skim milk with my cereal was enough to turn me back into the Queen of Indigestion. So. Now we know.

The good news is that I didn't completely undo the progress I had made in three days. But it's also a real eye opener in terms of how much of these foods I can (or can't) put in my body before it begins to make a difference. Unfortunately I still crave the nachos and I am so so proud of myself for not eating a whole half of a pizza (there are three in the fridge-- long story), but feeling rather intestinally unclear this morning, shall we say, definitely makes me reevaluate in a big way. Like, I kind of finally get it now when I think of my friends who I used to think eat like birds, taking just a tinsy bit of everything and somehow calling it "dinner." Well. That's much better for you, isn't it?

And I have to say, there's something empowering about fasting after the first few days are over. Saturday morning I woke up feeling skinny, and didn't have any desire to ruin that skinny (till 6pm and I saw the pizza-- but that was a conscious choice I promise!!!!). I went an extra few hours before having a morning juice because it just felt good for my body to feel empty. Does that make any sense without making me sound like I have an eating disorder (because clearly I do not)?

This morning I'm having a cantaloupe/apple/pineapple tasty and I've actually got a lunch that I will actually drink instead of throwing out-- spinach/cantaloupe/apple/blueberry/grape. I'm back in the game, everybody.

Day 6-- 159.0 lbs

10 September 2011

-6.4 lbs what the whaaaaaat

I'm at a bit of a loss what to say today. I'm not feeling crazy, I am feeling a tinsy bit weak-willed, and I am not very hungry. Headaches are basically gone and I'm starting to actually feel some weight loss happening. Pants are looser!!

And I've been watching a lot of 30 Rock again lately. My desire to star on a wacky sitcom grows daily.

I haven't had any juice today, but yesterday I had a tasty combination of 2 oranges and a pear. YUMMO = $1.26

Day 4 - 158.6 lb

09 September 2011

day 3 - back up off of that cray-cray

Okay so maybe I really was a crazy person yesterday afternoon. You've got to understand, I had this crazy headache on the very top of my head and I was having a little food-related come-apart. For my theater-going friends, you know "The Bride's Lament" in The Drowsy Chaperone where Janet is singing about the monkey and then has a nervous breakdown and everyone in the cast has monkey faces and they're all dancing around her? That's what my afternoon was like, only it was food dancing around me-- nachos and PB&J and an especially cruel spicy tuna roll.

I hopped on the fruit juice train last night though, and feel much better about life. Ames and I (finally) saw Crazy, Stupid, Love to distract ourselves, and then I actually kind of fell asleep before 10:30! I slept great last night, and while I didn't get up in time to "get ready" this morning, I see the potential is there and I'm excited. I hope to get dressed with purpose each day next week.

The somewhat swift turn around from leading the Cuckoo Parade to a real feeling of mellow calmness kind of startled me. It made me take a cold, hard look at the fact that I am simply addicted to food. In the midst of it, all I could think about was changing my goal, replanning the next 30 days to include breaks, literal worrying about how I could possibly be social without involving Applebees or whatever.

Whoa, self. This crazy is not an attractive color on you. Step away from the hysteria.

But really. All I could do was weigh what food items I wanted to eat more-- what I was willing to "cheat" with. I've developed a very strange dependence that is definitely not okay. Sure, most of my eating revolves around social events, but how frequently do I run to the warehouse for work or to the bank or any number of errands and decide between a snack from Wendy's, Taco Bell, or the Target food court (soft pretzel combo $2 please hollaaaaaa!)? This unhealthy relationship with food and eating is what needs to be detoxed right now, so much more than my weight does. Even now, with a much clearer head, I feel generally like I'm never going to eat again. And that fills me with a hint of woe.

We're going to work seriously on that over the next few weeks. Yeesh.

I can't say that my body feels great as a result of this fast, but I can say I've become notably less pessimistic in the last few days. Is that the detox or is it a (somewhat) willing resignation to the things I can't control in my life (namely, work trips)? I'm not sure. Maybe a bit of both. But I'll take it. I'll let the poisonous attitude drain out of me with the non-digestible, foreign matter from my diet.

Last night's juice: 1 pear, 1 apple, 1 cup blueberries, 1/2 lb grapes. DELICIOUS = $4.91.

This morning's happy: 1 pear, 1 apple, 1/2 cup blackberries, 1/2 pineapple. TASTY = $4.72

Day 3 - 159.8 lbs

08 September 2011

how food makes me mad

Imma be straight up with you right now:

Yesterday suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuucked.

I definitely expected the headache/nausea/general feeling of gloom and doom, but I didn't expect it to come on quite so quickly. Am I just a pansy? It's possible. Did I simply make a cucky recipe for my lunch? Definitely yes.

At any rate, by the time I got home after work, I was tired, gloomy, and felt an impending headache that I knew would reach epic proportions (and oh, it did). I didn't even drink my juice dinner. Now I know that was probably a poor choice in that it probably would have taken away some of the nausea associated with hunger and helped with any dehydration (certainly a factor which I'm taking much more seriously today), but I felt like I'd just barf it right up.

On the bright side, my Wednesday night TV lineup is shaping up quite nicely for the fall-- Ghost Hunters, Toddlers & Tiaras, and Dance Moms all last night, and I can look forward to America's Next Top Model starting next week. Also I watched the Salt Lake Pride episode of Rosanne's Nuts, which was actually quite entertaining and made me proud to be a Utahn.

What's interesting is that as I sat there in my foggy misery, fighting the urge to sneak a fistful of cinnamon Life cereal out of the pantry because who would find out?!!, I was suddenly acutely aware of inundation of food commercials. Fast food, snack food, even "healthy" food like yogurt, low-calorie cereals and chocolate-covered granola, all for 160 calories or less. We are so obsessed with "eating right" but at the end of the day, I don't want to be counting calories. What kind of life is that? What kind of pleasure is derived from that? "Watch your weight by eating whole grain Cheerios. Watch your weight by eating this Wendy's salad. Watch your weight by indulging in snacks." All of these messages tell me that I should be watching my weight by eating. WHAT IN THE WORLD DOES THAT MEAN?

In addition, the number of commercials for vitamins, supplements, fiber powders, and pain medication is kind of astonishing. Not only should I eat to watch my weight, I should take additional pills to give me the nutrients I'm missing in the food I'm eating (to watch my weight). Why aren't the foods I'm supposed to eat to lose weight providing me proper nutrients so I don't have to take a supplement?

I get that my preferred diet of nachos, potato chips and chicken go-wraps aren't nutritionally sound. But at least shouldn't all this touted "healthy" food be nutritionally sound?

It was all very interesting. I wouldn't be surprised if part of my sour mood was related to this realization. And now I'm sipping on an apple/pear/carrot juice that's really quite tasty. And it was (maybe) all worth it to see the numbers on the scale this morning.

Day 2 -- 160.8 lbs

I'd say that's a rather inspiring start to this experiment.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


I've arrived at the gate to Crazy Town, everybody. I'm standing there, looking right in at all the loons and feeling sympathetic. I'm almost one of them.

Turns out the gloom of Day 1 hasn't subsided like I had hoped. No amount of remembering how I lost 4.2lbs overnight will lift my spirits, no amount of pinning pictures of pretty clothes I'll soon fit into will soothe my woes. I took one sip of my lunch and shivered with a gag. I'm wussing out!!!!


What I am finding is that the finicky in me is trying to take control. It's okay, body! You still like fruit! You don't have to drink the weird vegetables (yet)! I need me some grapes ASAP. I will live off of them, and apples, and pears, and carrots, if I must!

How do you think a puree of spicy tuna rolls would taste...?



Thank you Hilary for pinning this motivation just when I need it most.

07 September 2011

day 1 - it begins

Today I feel like this (about juicing, not an open marriage-- to be clear):

Yesterday we went and rather blindly made our way through the produce department at Winco, trying to figure out exactly what items we need for the next two days or so, for both of us, for recipes we haven't tried (I have been a rather picky eater in my day, so this is kind of uncomfortable territory). We spent exactly $26.26 on produce, figuring it will get us through the next 2.5 days or so. Maybe. Probably. Hopefully? Who even knows.

We test ran a batch of fresh apple juice made with... actual fresh apples. Crazy, right?

And guess what it tasted like?

Actual, fresh apples

My mind is blown. I don't even have babies yet and I already want to die at the thought of buying expensive Mott's apple juice instead of crushing up my own for their someday bottles. Only four little apples resulted in a 16oz glass of juice with nothing added. Oh brave new world!

A word about The Juicer.

We got the Jack Lalanne Power Juicer Pro (AS SEEN ON TV!). We had been looking at the Breville Juice Fountain Plus but we wanted to get cracking, and Bed, Bath & Beyond had it for a pretty good price, so we just went with it. Also, it's as seen on tv, so how can you go wrong, ammarite?

And for a second Arrested Development reference in a single post, Martin Short's character UNCLE JACK is based on the real-life Jack Lalanne, who was a bodybuilder and fitness guru. So if you're wondering if this image will make me giggle every single day, you're right on the money.

So okay, this morning we got up and made some juice. First we made "lunch," which resulted in much more juice than we expected it to-- two servings really. Kale, cucumber, apples, celery, lemon, and a tiny bit of ginger. I'm thinking there's too much cucumber, not enough kale. Look at me! I'm already nutrient conscious! Then we made breakfast: two servings of two pears, apple and ginger.

Word to the wise: a little bit of ginger goes a long way.

I'm not sure what we'll have for dinner-- probably something with more greens, maybe a smidge of citrus? We'll see.

As promised, I'm going to chronicle my daily weight loss because that is among my motivating factors in this experiment. I also want to keep a running total of how much I spend on food because I can already tell I'm going to have a lot more money in the bank at the end of the month than I otherwise would.

And so (even though I'm somewhat embarrassed by what I've gained back over the last year)...

Day 1-- 165.0 lbs.
Money spent (as of 10:30AM)-- $5.01

06 September 2011

on your mark - get set

Tomorrow is the Big Day.

Tomorrow begins JUICE FAST 2011.

Yesterday we got our juicer, today we're taking recipes to the grocery store for our first shopping trip, and tomorrow-- we begin.

My goal is to juice for at least 30 days straight. In another time (meaning, a week ago) this seemed like a monumental undertaking. In fact, a week ago I only planned to go ten days at a time and reevaluate after each ten days. But since it has been 8 days since my last Diet Coke and still going very strong, I'm going to commit to 30 days.

September 7 - October 6.

I hate to set out with a stipulation, but I will confess, I do plan to "cheat" one single evening to celebrate my birthday. I'm having a party at some point (who knows when, due to mumblegrumble work trips) and I am going to have some nachos for turning 25, darn it. But you know, I saw this on pinterest today and it rang true, even though I haven't even started yet:

Turning 25 is not a thing to "reward" myself for, particularly because so many people turn 25. It's not a rite, it's not an achievement, and even if it were either of those things, a "reward" in the form of nachos (while delicious) doesn't sit right with me. I look forward to this continued understanding of what I put into my body and why.

Note: but I will still eat nachos for my birthday. Because I like them.


Juice Fast 2011. Tomorrow is Day 1. Get excited about some updates regarding my progress. I'm keeping track of my weight and inches lost over here on the right ------> I'm already feeling peaceful and in control.

I can't wait to heal my body a little and maybe a little bit of my spirit too.