03 March 2014

I can do hard things 2

  • I posted a long blog. It outlined a lot of my feelings. It made me feel like a writer again and opened myself up for criticism and misunderstanding. But mostly people understood me. A lot of my recent friends don't know that I'm okay at writing. Now they know a little bit.
  • I filmed a commercial and it was an overnight shoot. It's mostly scary and hard because I'm not really sure how I'm going to look in it. I think I might look kind of goofy. But I did it and I was awake for like 36 hours and I didn't fall asleep at the wheel on my way home. 
  • I resolved to lead a more transparent life. I'm composing a post about this but I've started taking steps to do this-- to be honest, open, truthful. I don't really care if people lie to each other. But I don't want to be lied to, so I refuse to lie to others. I want people to know exactly who I am without having to clarify or explain myself. I want to be transparent. 
  • I was kind of a manager at work sort of. It didn't suck and I wasn't the total worst. Only a little bit the worst. 
  • I didn't take any heart pills. Getting my anxiety under control. Blammo. I did start some melatonin and have been regular about my oils. Feeling good. 
  • I accepted that I haven't been good at crossfit in the last few weeks and will be returning this week. I can lift heavy things. I can push myself. I can reach my goals.


Just me said...

I love this. So, so much!

Julie Wilding said...

Commercial for what? Awesome.