12 September 2011

head in the game

Okay, okay, okay, okay, okay. I cheated this weekend. What? Is that what you wanted to hear? Is it? Fine, well-- I admit it. I cheated. I ate solid food. And it wasn't very good for me. There. I said it. And I didn't want to blog about it, okay? Sue me.

There were even witnesses! Multiple! Plenty of witnesses! What can I do-- pretend like it didn't happen? Blame my (slight) weight gain on "nature?"

Nope. It happened. I ate 1.5 (small) pieces of pizza, a cup of raman cabbage salad, about six bites of seven-layer bean dip on tortilla chips, some carrots and melon (go me), a babybel cheese wedge, one pumpkin chocolate chip cookie, one tinsy bite of chocolate cake, one half a cup of macaroni and cheese, and a cup of Special-K Berries cereal.

The truth is that I JUST COULDN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE. The smell of pulp was going to make me barf (A) and frankly, I just needed to prove to myself exactly how beneficial juicing is (B). I'm happy to tell you that I've readjusted to the smell of pulp and I didn't want to die when I was cleaning the juicer this morning, and it's been immediately clear how good juicing is for me.

Example: some of my digestive problems are apparently dairy-related. One half cup of macaroni and cheese and one half cup of skim milk with my cereal was enough to turn me back into the Queen of Indigestion. So. Now we know.

The good news is that I didn't completely undo the progress I had made in three days. But it's also a real eye opener in terms of how much of these foods I can (or can't) put in my body before it begins to make a difference. Unfortunately I still crave the nachos and I am so so proud of myself for not eating a whole half of a pizza (there are three in the fridge-- long story), but feeling rather intestinally unclear this morning, shall we say, definitely makes me reevaluate in a big way. Like, I kind of finally get it now when I think of my friends who I used to think eat like birds, taking just a tinsy bit of everything and somehow calling it "dinner." Well. That's much better for you, isn't it?

And I have to say, there's something empowering about fasting after the first few days are over. Saturday morning I woke up feeling skinny, and didn't have any desire to ruin that skinny (till 6pm and I saw the pizza-- but that was a conscious choice I promise!!!!). I went an extra few hours before having a morning juice because it just felt good for my body to feel empty. Does that make any sense without making me sound like I have an eating disorder (because clearly I do not)?

This morning I'm having a cantaloupe/apple/pineapple tasty and I've actually got a lunch that I will actually drink instead of throwing out-- spinach/cantaloupe/apple/blueberry/grape. I'm back in the game, everybody.

Day 6-- 159.0 lbs


Allison Easley said...

I've been doing good all day but then today I had about 1/5 of a Paula Deen butter pound cake.

I do NOT win today. Oh and I had 5 guys on Saturday night for our anniversary. I'm gross. But I am exercising and today I got my body rocked by a cardio class and a yoga class so...who knows. Gross am I.

royal said...
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