27 March 2009


I shouldn't be doing this. I shouldn't even be looking at my blog, to say nothing of updating it. Here's the thing:

My Biology 100 course is due next Friday-- as in, one week from today-- if I want to have it processed in time to go on my record for graduation. Which I do.

How long have I been registered for this class? Oh, since April 27, 2008. 

It's fine. It is 100% fine. 

In other academic news, I've got two papers to write in lieu of final exams. I'm pretty excited to write both of them, though I'm not entirely sure when I'll actually have the time to make them very good. The first is for my English class, and I intend to write 15 solid pages on the folklore which inspired Sir Arthur Canon Doyle's The Hound of the Baskervilles. Believe me, it's going to be epic (though I don't blame you if you're not interested). The other is for my theater class, in which we have to analyze a performance of some kind using the theories we have studied this semester. I'm writing mine about the film Marie Antoinette, arguing that Sofia Coppola uses post-modernist tools to self-examine an inherently New Historical piece New Historically. I'm going to meet with my favorite/former English professor about it, since he wrote the article about New Historicism in my Critical Theory book, to get some more perspective. Again, I understand if this is not your cup of tea, particularly if you don't like the movie to begin with, but it's something I'm fascinated by so you guys can just shuddup about it.

I think that's one thing I'm going to miss about school-- being really jazzed to write about nerdy things like the arguable reality of the induction of Taming of the Shrew, and the use of slang in the book Little Women, and Virginia Woolf's use of commas and parentheses in To the Lighthouse. I think this is why I Would Have Been a good graduate student, had I cared enough to get good grades in classes I didn't really care about. Maybe I still can be a graduate student someday. I'm immediately exhausted by the thought of it right now, though.

The thought of driving with the windows down, and a dozen pairs of sunglasses, and washing my dusty feet at night after wearing sandals all day-- that's what is driving me to finish right now. As of April 22, unless I dare to go back to school someday, I will never turn in another academic assignment. I literally will never think again about monohybrid genetic crossing, even when my future children have to study it in high school. I'm finally starting to get that "I've already finished school-- you're on your own, kid" concept. Makes the whole process seem kind of empty though, doesn't it...?

I need to find a job that allows me to write, and read books, and maybe even write a research paper once in a while. 

I need to find a job.

I need to just lie in the sun for a whole day.

I need a pair of brown shorts.

I need my own computer so I can upload all my music to it and then update my iPod.

I need a weekend to go to Disneyland.

I need to paint my room and hang up all my picture frames.

I need to spend my nights doing a show, and enjoy the feeling of smacking into a wall of delicious, palpable heat when I exit the air conditioned theater to make an entrance on the other side of the building.

I need to read the thirteen books I have on the shelf because I don't have time to properly enjoy them.

I need to find new blogs to enjoy of strangers who are funny and interesting and might read my blog in return.

I need to take happy pictures in the sun with a darling, happy boy who makes me happy, especially when we take happy pictures together of us being happy in the sun...

...I need to finish reading this Biology lesson.


Kirsten Krason said...

I need to do most of those things as well. Especially lie in the sun with a happy boy. That sounds nice.

Amy said...

are you reading The Bloggess? Cause you need to be. Although she can be incredibly crude at times and curses like a sailor.... she is still my favorite blogger ever.

Anonymous said...

Hey emily!
i'm doing a give away on my blog! check it out, and comment to win!
winner will be posted sunday!

Lanée Jensen said...

blogging is the ultimate form of procrastination. It really is. HappyHappyHappy.