01 June 2008

Tagged, with love, from Casey

3 joys:
1. Acting
2. Going to England
3. The Tudors

3 fears:
1. Being unsuccessful
2. Being awful at German 201 and 202
3. Missing a prop/strike/entrance in Little Women

3 goals:
1. Pursue this acting thing
2. Become a published writer
3. Be blissfully happy in a solid marriage

3 current obsessions/ collections:
1. Ghost Hunters
2. Marie Antoinette
3. Diet Coke

3 random surprising facts about myself:
1. I look good as a blonde
2. I have a hard time talking to people I don't know (though I force myself to overcome it)
3. I go back and reread my blogs immediately after I post them. Always.

3 people I tag:
1. Ash
2. Riss
3. Julie


Robbie said...

you're cute! we miss you!
p.s. I want to see you blonde for little women! :)

Ashley O said...

new blog. yay.

so you tagged me eh? I'll get on that....in the morning.

Heidi said...

I reread my blogs too. I like how they look. It's an illness, really.