12 January 2008


I. Love. This. Band.

The. End.


Eliza said...

1. the backup guitar/vocals looks like a young Donny Osmond and he is even wearing purple.

2. i like when anyone can throw in a double clap every now and then

3. I wish my legs could look like the white shorts legs

4. Heard a bit of Danny Elfman/Willy Wonka in there.

5. Thanks for sharing!

Mandy said...

i liked the video/song! thanks for once again expanding my music library! ;)

@emllewellyn said...

Rooney is my second-favorite band, you guys. I was standing dead center, front row at their concert last fall (2006) and Robert Schwartzman (the lead singer) touched my hand! Also I got their set lineup from the roadies.

Robert Schwartzman played Michael in The Princess Diaries, for those of you who've seen it.

Ah HA! Now you like Rooney a whole lot more don't you?!!

Also he's Jason Schwartzman's brother.

Alli Easley said...

I dance around all the day to "When Did Your Heart Go Missing?"

Alli Easley said...

Also, I think you all know how I feel about the Schwartzman brothers. Especially Jason. He's my favorite boyfriend today, I'm going to marry him tonight k?

@emllewellyn said...

Once upon a time, when "Calling the World" was released, I bought the album from the Rooney website and was rewarded with one of only 500 SIGNED COPIES for my efforts.

Also, today in my directing class, my teacher opened by showing clips from "Rushmore." Obviously this makes me want to watch the rest of the movie tonight, so unfortunately for your wedding plans, Jason's got a date with me tonight. Sorry! No hard feelings?

Eliza said...

I got the set lineup from the Morrissey concert.